024| Party

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"Alright, out you go, Regulus."

Y/N L/N WAS WALKING TO HER BOYFRIEND'S ROOM, it was the night of the party that Sirius had arranged. A Friday night, way past curfew. Y/n didn't quite know how he managed to hide such a loud party from Mcgonagall, but it seemed like he did it successfully.

She was wearing a silky red dress, not too much makeup. Her hair was down and loose, and she was wearing Remus' bracelet on her wrist. The loud music mixed with Sirius and James yelling downstairs could be heard, though a little muffled as she reached Remus' dormitory.

Y/n tidied up her appearance and took a deep breath before raising her fist to the door then knocked. Even though they were already dating for nearly a week, she still got nervous around him.

"Moony," she called, "Are you in there?" The rumbling sounds of books dropping, cupboards opening and closing could be heard from inside the room. Concerned about Remus, Y/n placed her hand on the doorknob, getting ready to open the door.

But a voice soon shouted from inside, "Yes! Just one second, love, i'll be right out." Y/n let out a sigh of relief when she heard Remus' voice. She smiled at the nickname, leaning back against the wall and crossing her arms while waiting for him. "Love" sounded nice when he said it. 

Her cheeks heated up, turning into a bright shade of pink. Y/n's heart started beating faster as the anticipation to see him built up. Remus had never been to a party before, so it was great to see him loosen up.

The knob turned and the wooden door it creaked open, revealing Remus' head scanning the corridor. "Hi," Y/n greeted, making him turn to her. He chuckled when he saw her, blushing. "Oh! Hi," he chuckled, "You look beautiful." Remus stared - adoring her. He was mesmerized, completely starstruck. He really couldn't understand how someone like him got so lucky. "And so do you," said Y/n.

"May i?" Remus offered his hand, and of course she took it. They walked down the corridor of the boys dormitory, hands locked. He couldn't stop staring at her, she looked beautiful, more than beautiful - she looked perfect. Y/n was the only girl who managed to have him wrapped around her fingers like this.

"Oh don't act so formal," she laughed, "It's a common room party, not a dance."  Remus laughed along, "I've never been to a party before." he stated. Y/n hit his shoulder playfully, and cackled, "Don't make it sound like we've never invited you, you never loosen up."

Remus playfully rolled his eyes as they reached the common room. Snogging couples – people dancing – liquor pouring everywhere – extremely loud music. Remus did seem a little overwhelmed.

"This place is a mess– How long until Mcgonagall sees it?" he asks, scanning the area. "6 hours or so," Y/n shrugged, "James and Sirius are going to be too wasted to clean this place up."

𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐀𝐁𝐋𝐄! | Rem. Lupin x Reader x Reg. BlackWhere stories live. Discover now