016| Sunset

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"Believe it or not, i wanted to see you."

Y/N L/N WAS SPENDING HER TIME IN THE MUSIC ROOM, per usual. She always went there after school whenever she needed her own personal space. Hanging out with her friends was fun, but everyone needs a little me time.

Y/n was sitting on the piano bench while softly tapping random keys and notes. The first thing that came into her mind was Remus, remembering what had happened the previous week.

She had been teaching Remus the piano for about 3 days now, and he asked her to teach him guitar as well. Those lessons are meant to start in a few days.

Y/n suddenly heard footsteps approaching the room. It started getting louder and louder, meaning the person was getting closer. Her head shot to the door's direction, finding a boy looking around. "Hello?" he said in an asking manner, trying to find something - or someone.

"Regulus?" Y/n called out. She stood up and walked closer to him. Regulus let out a sigh of relief as his eyes found hers. "Oh thank goodness you're actually here," Regulus breathed.

"How did you know i'm here?" Y/n questioned out of mere curiosity. She leaned back against the wall, looking at the panting and breathless Regulus. He was probably tired of climbing those stairs all the way to the fifth floor.

"You told me that you liked music, didn't you? So i thought this was the logical answer," Regulus replied, as he found the piano bench Y/n had previously sat on and plopped down immediately.

Y/n chuckled seeing him. She walked toward him, and randomly tapped on the piano. "You're very observant," said Y/n. Regulus grinned and asked, "Is that a quality?" She rolled her eyes playfully before she shrugged, "I guess so."

They locked eyes for a moment - smiling and looking at each other. Regulus felt like he was floating just by seeing Y/n smile like that. He had never ever in his life felt this way about anyone else before.

The feeling was odd, but Regulus liked it. Unlike any other good thing life has offerred him, he wasn't going to turn this one down. He wasn't going to decline the fact that he might be falling for Y/n L/n, the muggle born.

Which was something that he had least expected to happen. But Regulus felt free whenever he was with her. He felt like he could be himself around her. She was original, she wasn't fabricated like those sacred 28 families he knew. That's why he liked her.

"So why'd you come looking for me?" Y/n spoke, making Regulus finally snap out of his thoughts after what felt like an eternity. He shook his head a little bit and inhaled a deep breath. Nervously, Regulus answered, "Believe it or not, i wanted to see you."

Y/n was a bit surprised by the answer. Regulus had never been that straight up to her. Even though they cuddled while they were on the London Eye together, she figured he did that unknowingly because he was cold. Y/n had never toyed with the idea of Regulus seeing her more than as a friend.

"See me?" She asked with her eyebrows raised. Keeping the smile, Regulus nodded and hummed, "Mhm." Y/n crossed her arms hearing Regulus' response, and she scoffed, "That's new."

"Hey, it's not my fault you're fun to be around," Regulus laughed, and again, taking Y/n by surprise. She smirked and said to him, "Oh am i?"

Regulus rolled his eyes playfully as Y/n sat beside him. "Yes, Y/n. Yes, you are," Regulus muttered. "First name basis, interesting," Y/n chuckled, "Say it again."

"Say what?"

"My name."

"Y/n," Regulus repeated lowly. Y/n's eyebrows furrowed and she scrunched her nose. "It sounds weird when you say it," Y/n confessed. Offended, Regulus asked, "Why?"

"Because you've never referred to me as Y/n. It's always L/n, or mudblood, or--" Y/n started rambling, but Regulus interrupted her almost instantly. "Can we just leave that behind, please?" he requested, "I'm sorry about the name calling."

Y/n didn't quite believe what she was hearing. Regulus Black was apologizing to a muggle born. But she was his friend after all, and she didn't want to upset him by accusing him of not meaning the apology, or being a fake person.

"You've proved yourself to be decent these past few months," Y/n said, "So i'll accept your apology."

"Well, thank you."

"You're welcome."

"So.. What were you doing here?" Regulus changed the subject, asking her. "Just wanted to have some time alone," Y/n replied simply as she stood up, Regulus soon followed behind "Am i bothering you?" he worriedly asked.

"Not at all," Y/n replied as she picked up her bag, "I was about to leave anyway." They both headed to the door, and Regulus opened it for her, letting Y/n step out first. She gratefully smiled at him and began walking down the stairs.

"Do you want to go up to the astronomy tower? I heard the sunset's beautiful there," Regulus offered. Y/n stopped. Watching the sunset did sound appealing. "Sure," she smiled, and they both went to the top of the astronomy tower together.

They were standing in the balcony, watching the orange sky with the pretty sunset. Y/n adored the view, while Regulus couldn't find his focus. The sunset, or the girl beside him, he didn't know which to keep his eyes on.

"Random question.. But what's your favourite flower?" Regulus asked out of absolutely no where. But Y/n replied, "Blue orchids." As she remembered that Remus was trying to find some of those for her.

"I thought it would be red roses," Regulus said, and Y/n snorted, "Because i'm a Gryffindor?" He shrugged, "You know me so well at this point."

"You are so stereotypical," Y/n scoffed, "The way you think, anyway." Regulus sighed, looking more serious than he was just a moment ago. "I don't think you can ever get rid of stereotypes," he confessed

"You can't," Y/n agreed, "But you can always rebel out of them if you're brave enough." Regulus looked away from her and he seemed nervous. He ran his fingers through his hair and whispered, "I don't think you can either."

"Have you tried?" Y/n asked.

"No," Regulus replied.

"Do you want to?" She asked again.

"I don't know," he shook his head, "Not sure."

"I know you're talking about my family's pure blood beliefs," Regulus sighed, "I know that you think i can rebel out of it like Sirius did but it's not that easy, Y/n."

"You'll make it, Regulus. I believe in you."

Her words had always comforted him. She had always comforted him. She felt him feel things that he didn't know he was capable of feeling. Regulus appreciated Y/n. More than his family's power and riches, more than anything.

𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐀𝐁𝐋𝐄! | Rem. Lupin x Reader x Reg. BlackWhere stories live. Discover now