012| Mandrake Leaf

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"Okay, then kiss her."

Y/N L/N WAS HEADING UP to the boys dormitory. She had already grabbed a mandrake leaf from the green house, ready to start the process in becoming an animagus.

She realized she hadn't told the others except Sirius about her plan. So she thought this would be the right time - just as she was about to do it.

She turned the door knob to the boys room, and found them laying on their respective beds, doing whatever it was they were doing.

"Hey," said Y/n as she closed the door behind her. The boys' head shot up to look at her, and Remus was the first one to speak up. He smiled, and closed the book he was reading. "Hi," said Remus. The boys exchanged looks, and simultaneously said, "Hey, Y/n."

"I think you guys should know that Sirius is helping me become an animagus. I snatched a mandrake leaf-" She started, but was interrupted by Remus. He stood up, and said with furrowed eyebrows, "Whoa, whoa, whoa, stop, stop, stop."

"What?" asked Y/n. Remus looked at her with a confused expression and returned the question, "When did we agree on that?" Y/n sighed, and looked into his eyes. She said, "I want to become an animagus, and i don't think i should need your permission."

Remus was now towering over her a bit. She could smell his chocolate scented breath, and the feeling of him being that close to her sent chills down her spine. "But why do you wanna do it?" he asked lowly. Y/n looked up, and said, "Because i wanna be with you when you turn."

Remus scoffed as he backed away from her, "No chance." Y/n argued, "Why?" James leaned back against his bed board and sighed, "Y/n, it's dangerous." Y/n's head turned to him instantly, and she said, "You would know all about danger, wouldn't you, James?"

Everyone looked at Sirius, he only shrugged and shook his head. "I tried to tell her," said Sirius with a faint chuckle.
"Y/n, this is a serious deal. We're not playing around," Peter warned. Y/n shrugged defensively, "I'm not either."

"You can literally become a half human half animal beast if you do something wrong," said James. Y/n sighed in frustration. "But i'm not gonna do anything wrong!" she exclaimed, and James only chuckled, "Bold one, aren't ya?"

"You're not going to do this," said Remus.

"Why can't i?"

"Because you're doing this for me," Remus replied with a shaky voice, "Everyone has done me enough favours. I'm not putting you in danger just because you want to help me."

"Look - you said you didn't want to hurt me. And you won't - if i'm an animagus-"

"The process takes long," Peter interrupted Y/n. "So?" she shrugged. "I don't think you'd have time for that." James chimed in.

"Oh please, i've got plenty of time."

"Remember when you missed my birthday party because you had to help the first years get settled in at the music room?" said Sirius.

"That was one time," said Y/n in attempt to defend herself.

"Remember when you didn't go to Hogsmeade with us because, again, you were at the music room?" Peter added.

"Also, remember when you ditched all your assignments for choir practice?" James joined in as well.

Y/n groaned in annoyance, while Remus took ahold of her hands. "Y/n, please listen to me, just this one time," the werewolf pleaded.

Y/n stepped away from him, and pulled the mandrake leaf out from her pocket. "Mandrake leaf," she said, showing it to her friends. Remus shook his head and warningly said, "No." "Y/n, no," Peter joined in.

"No, no, no, no."

"She's gonna do it anyway, i don't know why we're holding her back," said Sirius nonchalantly as James joined him, "Yeah, it's useless at this point."

And they were right. It was useless. Y/n had placed the leaf in her mouth, and she was supposed to keep it there for a month. If not, she would have to start over.

"I'm going to get that leaf out of your mouth," said Remus.

"Okay, then kiss her," James challenged with a knowing smirk. Remus rolled his eyes and said, "Now you're making it weird."

"He's right -" said Sirius with the same smirk on his face, "Go on, kiss her if you wanna get it out."

"Stop making it weird," said Remus in embarrassment. Y/n slowly stepped further and further, and exited their room. "Nope. Not happening. Bye bye!"

Dear diary,

She's sticking her neck out for me again. I told her that she didn't have to do this. Her stubborn arse said otherwise.

I don't think she understands the danger of becoming an animagus. An unregistered one even! I don't want to put her in that kind of trouble.

But Y/n L/n has always been like that. She's stubborn. When she really wants something, she'll do her best to get it and no one can tell her otherwise.

I'm grateful that she's doing this for me. I'm grateful that she cares about me. But i just wouldn't be able to bear the feeling of guilt if something happens to her.

Or maybe i'm just being paranoid, i don't know.

- Moony

𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐀𝐁𝐋𝐄! | Rem. Lupin x Reader x Reg. BlackWhere stories live. Discover now