014| Keychains

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"Is it him you've been meeting at night?"

Y/N L/N WAS RUSHING THROUGH the packed corridor. Students were pacing around here and there, and everyone was on their way to their classes. She couldn't find her friends, so she decided that she would walk alone.

Because of her late night rendezvous with Regulus, she woke up late again. Y/n had already missed breakfast, hence why her friends weren't in their dorms when she woke up that morning.

She stopped when she was met with Professor Mcgonagall in the middle of the busy corridor. The transfiguration teacher was quite worried for her student. She had noticed Y/n's unwell look, as well as the fact that she hadn't been focused in class.

"Good morning, Miss L/n," said the Professor with a smile. And Y/n politely greeted her teacher back, "Good morning, Professor."

Mcgonagall took a few steps closer to her. She leaned in towards her ear due to the loud chatter all around the corridor and whispered, "Are you alright? You have been looking very unwell for the past few days."

Y/n nodded, and answered truthfully, "I'm fine. I'm just tired." The Professor advised, "You can always go to the hospital wing if you're feeling ill."

Y/n politely smiled again as she replied and reassured her, "Of course, Professor. But it's nothing, really." Mcgonagall placed her hand on Y/n's shoulder, and comfortingly said to her, "If anything's bothering you mentally, you know you can talk to me, Y/n."

Y/n nodded and agreed, "I'll keep you updated if there is, Professor. But for the time being, i'm doing just fine." Mcgonagall nodded, and said "If you say so." before walking away.

As Y/n continued her walk to her classroom, she spotted a familiar Gryffindor boy. She skipped to him and greeted him excitedly, "Morning." Remus smiled as he looked down at her. "Hi, morning, Y/n," said Remus, ruffling with her hair.

He slinged an arm around her as they walked to their first class together. His hand hung from her shoulder, which she held. Y/n felt butterflies as she locked her hand in his. Remus was also had a tint of pink on his cheeks. He smiled as he looked at her.

"You missed breakfast," said Remus, breaking the few seconds of silence. "Uh.. Yeah, i slept in again," Y/n replied. She wondered when she was going to stop lying and come clean to him about Regulus, because surely her relationship- or whatever it was - with the Slytherin couldn't be a secret forever.

"Are you alright? You keep waking up late," Remus questioned, he seemed a bit concerned about Y/n. She merely shrugged in response, "I'm fine."

"Is there something bothering you at night, or..?" He asked again, nudging for an answer, because he didn't think Y/n was being truthful. Y/n stated, reassuring him, "No, no, i'm completely fine. Just a bit tired."

"Did you go anywhere?" Remus quizzed yet again. Y/n lied in response, "No."

"Still got that mandrake leaf in your mouth, don't you?" He asked once he got a better look of her face. Y/n sighed, "I wanna help you. I wanna be there for you like you've always been for me. Let me do this."

"I'll blame myself if something happens to you," Remus replied in a whisper. "Nothing bad is going to happen," Y/n reassured, "Trust me."

He knew he wasn't going to win this argument. Remus looked down, as his eyes accidentally found a new object connected to Y/n's backpack zipper. He examined it and asked Y/n, "What's that?" She looked around, and asked back when she couldn't find what he meant, "What?"

"This," said Remus, pointing to the red souvenir, "Dangling from your backpack zipper. Is this like a keychain?" Y/n's eyes widened when she realized that Remus was talking about the keychain that she bought with Regulus in London. Nervously, Y/n replied, "Uh.. Yeah."

"Where'd you get it?" He asked with a smile. Y/n returned it, but rather awkwardly. "China Town, in the muggle world last summer," she gulped.

Remus' eyebrows started to furrow in confusion. He took ahold of the keychain and examined it once more. "But this wasn't here until recently.." He mumbled.

"Maybe you just didn't see it," said Y/n, shrugging. Although Remus decided to buy her lie, agreeing, "Maybe." He then added, "It's pretty, i like it." Y/n gratefully smiled in response, "Thanks."

"Do you wanna match?" Remus suggested, "Maybe we can go to the muggle world and i can get the same exact one?" Her cheeks went rosy as she replied, "That sounds nice."

Suddenly, a dark haired boy approached the two with a surprisingly happy expression. It was Regulus Arcutus Black, smiling upon them. "Lupin and L/n! What a happy sight it is to see you this morning," said Regulus.

Y/n rolled her eyes playfully as her lips curved into a smirk. As she opened her mouth to tease him, she realized that Remus was with her, so she couldn't be as friendly and as playful as she was to him the other night.

"Shove off," Remus hissed, annoyed. He grabbed Y/n's hand and led her to walk away from Regulus, but he stopped them. "What's with the tone?" sneered Regulus.

"Why are you talking to us?" Remus asked, genuinely curious. While Y/n stayed silent, looking at the two boys nervously. "Were you guys talking about keychains?" asked Regulus, completely ignoring Remus' previous question.

"None of your business," Remus said, as he took Y/n's hand and began to walk away again. But Regulus blocked their way, yet again.

"Well.. I've got the same one she's got. Just a different colour," Regulus announced, pointing to the green keychain he had, "I'll see you both later, then." And with that, he walked off.

Remus was left dumbfounded and confused, while Y/n cursed Regulus under her breath. She hadn't told him that she wanted to keep their friendship a secret, but she figured Regulus would know on his own. And she knew he was doing this on purpose.

"How come he's got the same keychain?" Remus questioned, looking at her keychain again. "I don't know.. Maybe he bought it at the same place," Y/n replied, coming up with an excuse.

"You think Regulus Black went to the muggle world for his enjoyment and to a buy a keychain?" Remus asked, furrowing his eyebrows. "You never know," Y/n shrugged in response, "That bloke is full of surprises."

"What does that mean?" He asked, starting to get suspicious. "I just think there's a lot we don't know about him," said Y/n innocently.

"Who have you been seeing, Y/n?" Remus quizzed, afraid that it was Regulus. "No one," Y/n lied.

"Are you lying to me?"

"Why would i?"

"Is it him you've been meeting at night?"

"No!" Y/n boomed, "I don't know what you're getting at, but please stop." Y/n let out a stressful sigh before she walked away from Remus, entering the class alone.

𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐀𝐁𝐋𝐄! | Rem. Lupin x Reader x Reg. BlackWhere stories live. Discover now