Do or Not?

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"Come on Camz." Lauren groaned following the brunette who got out of the library.

"When will you even notice me?" Lauren mumbled, walking beside Camila who didn't answer but just gave her a small smile.

"Thank you for taking me to class." Camila said before entering her designated room. Lauren didn't say anything anymore, rather she just stared at the beautiful brunette with a huge smile on her face.

"Bye bye!" Lauren grinned, waving goodbye at Camila before happily skipping the hallways of their school.

"What a happy day to be noticed." Lauren giggled as she imagined how life would be with the brown eyed girl.

Lauren's feelings started out as a simple tiny crush. But with Camila's constant kindness and smiles, it was hard not to fall hard for the brunette. The raven was known for her troublemaking schemes, and sarcastic attitude. Not only that, but she was also the captain of the softball team.

Lauren's friends with jocks, Jocks with reputations of breaking innocent students heart. But she was different from them, because she herself got hers broken. The raven swore not to fall or like anyone anymore, but Camila...Oh Camila gave her hope that maybe that love wasn't right for her.

"Let me guess, she talked to you?" Normani asked, chuckling at the raven. Lauren was smiling widely as she appeared on the classroom. She didn't respond with words, but just nodded.

"She's so easy to please." Vero chuckled, looking at Lauren who was now smiling and looking out the window.

"For someone who swore not to love again after Lucy, she's glowing." Keana said.

"How did she meet this Camila again?" Vero asked.

"Camila was asked to look after the detention students that Friday, and only Lauren was sent to detention. The idiot asked Camila why she was in detention, and Camila responded that she was just tasked to be there." Normani smiled.

"And she had a crush on her then?" Vero asked.

"A lot of students had been tasked to look after detention, that's complete bullshit." Keana chuckled.

"Oh, it wasn't just that." Normani smiled.

"I had a cast that day, I wasn't able to play softball for weeks because I sprained my wrist." Lauren said dreamily as she imagined Camila's face.

"Then she smiled at me, God that beautiful angelic smile." Lauren giggled.

"And then?" Keana asked, amused as she silently recorded Lauren.

"Oh Camila, my sweet sweet Camila. When will you notice me like how you did that time?" Lauren asked dramatically.

"Lauren, finish the story." Vero chuckled.

"Well, I was bored because I couldn't do anything. So I decided to just do my homework, but my hands wouldn't cooperate. She noticed that and sat beside me, offering to help me with by means of writing for me." Lauren grinned, she was smiling widely and looking at the sky.

"My beautiful angel was so nice, she was so beautiful. My, my, Camila. What have you done to my broken heart? How did you manage to heal it with a smile?" Lauren said dreamily, gently touching the ballpen on her table.

"I only have a memory of the pen she used for me, but it's okay. It's progress. She likes me." Lauren giggled.

"Wow." Vero whispered in amusement, while Normani nodded.

"You know, today's Friday." Keana teased. While Lauren nodded happily, Friday meant Camila Day.

"I know, I already got in trouble for being noisy at the library earlier. What can I do? Friday is Camila Day." Lauren smiled, looking at the pen in her hand.

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