Cruel Summer

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"Be careful." Lauren chuckled, as she watched Camila slowly climb up the garden gate.

Camila gasped when she accidentally missed a step, her eyes closing as she braced herself for the impact. But instead she felt a pair of soft arms holding her.

"Gotcha." Lauren smiled, catching the brunette in her arms.

Camila opened her eyes to meet Lauren's green ones. Gazing into the raven's eyes, she immediately felt butterflies. It was Lauren, of course she'll feel butterflies.

Camila couldn't help but pull Lauren in for a kiss. It was Lauren, she always can't help herself around her. Lauren smiled in the kiss, as she held Camila protectively.

"I love you." Camila breathed out.

"I missed you." Camila added.

"I love you, I miss you too." Lauren smiled, pecking her lips before she placed her down.

Camila took the time to examine her girlfriend of 7 years, Lauren had her hair longer again. She definitely lost some weight, but her body was still breath-taking, if anything it got more attractive. Lauren's skin tone was paler than usual, a little reminder that her girlfriend probably never left her school dormitory.

"Is something wrong?" Lauren asked, tucking a strand of hair behind Camila's ear. Camila smiled at her before shaking her head.

"Come on." Camila giggled, pulling Lauren away from the house.

"Where to?" Lauren chuckled.

"Well, I thought you were to surprise me?" Camila giggled.

"If that's the case, then the mountains it is." Lauren smiled, kissing the back of Camila's hand as they walk further from the house.

"I'm excited!" Camila giggled, it's been a while since she saw the raven, and she was happy that Lauren was home.

In a few minutes, Lauren took her somewhere far from home. It was a 30 minute drive, wherein they climbed a bit of a mountain before they reached the destination.

"Oh my God." Camila gasped breathlessly.

"Welcome, to our Summer Escapade." Lauren smiled.

"I fucking love you so much." Camila said, jumping on Lauren and kissing her.

"I fucking love you so much more." The raven giggled.

"You like it?" Lauren asked, holding Camila's thighs while she effortlessly carried Camila.

"I love it." Camila smiled, biting her lip.

"I don't know if what you've eaten subsided already, but I bought food incase it did." Lauren smiled, placing Camila down. The brunette took the time to examine the surroundings.

On top of a beautiful cliff was a tent set up for them, there were a few lights inside the tent. There was a little table beside the tend, and a picnic basket with a table cloth below it. It was a romantic scenery, below the cliff was the ocean, reflecting the moonlight as if it was their spotlight.

"Is this Mami Clara's cooking?" Camila raised her brow at the raven, while Lauren gasped.

"I'm offended Camz." Lauren frowned.

"Lo, I love you. I'm pretty sure this is Mami's cooking." Camila chuckled.

"Okay fine, you got me." Lauren laughed.

"You can't hide anything from me anymore Jauregui." Camila stuck her tongue out.

"Put that tongue back in your mouth or I'll bite that." Lauren warned, getting a plate from the picnic basket and placing it in the table, in front of Camila.

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