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Hello, Tobi here.

I just came to drop by and explain why I am MIA again. XD

I've just finished Midterm/Exam week. And well, I got caught up writing a few chapters in an unpublished Camren book.

I know I have 4 on-going stories at the moment...I can explain though! This idea was on my Pending list a long time ago, since August I think? And recently I got in the zone of writing it.

And I hereby announce that I think this upcoming one is going to be my most "Explicit" and "Ally-sus needed" book.

And since I feel generous, here is a teaser...kind of?

A bit of a smut warning though. :))


"Lauren." Alex grinned, before he handed Lauren a mic.

"What's this for?"

"To sing of course." Alex grinned before the music started.

"I don't sing." Lauren shook her head.

"Yes you do!" Vero yelled

"It's his birthday!" Lucy added.

"I know, but I don't sing." Lauren stuck her tongue out while Alex frowned, but started his mini concert anyway.

The place was rented by the group, the only people invited are their common friends, or close friends brought by the others.

"I'm gonna make you bend and break."  Alex started, taking the group by surprise with his song choice.

"Well, this is ought to be a performance." Keana chuckled.

"Say a prayer, but let the good times roll." Alex sang, surprisingly good.

"In case God doesn't show." Alex grinned before he pointed the mic to Keana.

"Let the good times roll, let the good times roll." Keana sang.

"I'd like to thank all of you who came." Alex smiled making everyone cheer.

"And I want these words to make things right." Alex let out a mischievous grin before he jumped down the mini stage and took Lauren's hand.

"Bruh." Lauren refused, but Lucy and Keana had pushed her to stand up.

'But it's the wrongs that make the words come to life." Alex sang, pulling Lauren.

"Who does he think he is?" Alex smirked before he nodded towards the further back of the bar, urging Lauren to look there. Lauren on the other hand didn't quite get what Alex was trying to say, given that she was trying to escape his grasp.

'If that's the worst you've got, better put your fingers back to the keys."  Alex sang, but kind of also advised before he handed Lauren a different microphone, to which Lauren held with a chuckle, sitting back down.

"One night and one more time," Alex sang, nodding towards the same way once again. This time, Lucy caught up to what he was doing and turned to the back.

"It's Camila." Lucy said, realizing what Alex was nodding at.

Upon hearing the name, the raven looked up. Lauren's smile was wiped off by a certain pair, talking by the bar. The raven clenched her jaw.

"Thanks for the memories even though the weren't so great."  Alex sang, smirking when Lauren looked at the mic on her hand.

"He tastes like you only sweeter" Alex belted effortlessly before he nodded at Lauren. Lauren scoffed before looking down, Keana smirked, knowing what was about to happen.

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