"Hi Baby"

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"Fucking assholes!" Dinah heard Lauren yell from the other side of the room.

"How has this been on going?" Normani asked as she looked at Dinah who seemed to be really worried.

"A few minutes now, ever since she saw that choreography for the music video." Dinah sighed.

"Bullshit! Fucking bullshit!" Lauren yelled as she punched the wall in anger and annoyance.

"Can't I fucking spend the day without this stupid idiots on my timeline?!" Lauren yelled again.

"What happened?" Ally asked as she appeared from the door way.

"She happened to pass by this trending choreography video for Señorita, where Mila was carried by Shawn and pinned to the wall." Dinah said.

"Oh. I saw that." Normani said.

"I don't want to see your fucking ship!" Lauren yelled again, this time something hits the door where Dinah was listening to.

"Uh-oh." Normani said as she looked down the floor to see broken glasses.

"Then kiss like fish you fucking morons!" Lauren yelled.

"Did she throw the vase or what?" Dinah asked.

"I don't wanna mess with angry Lauren. She scares me." Normani said.

"Did she see the choreography?" Ally sighed.

"She has, and I tell you Allycat. I literally had to lift her up to stop her from throwing her phone away." Dinah sighed.

"What are you doing?" Normani asked Dinah who typed in a few numbers.

"I'm calling her, only she knows how to calm her down." Dinah sighed as her eyes fixated on the contact name.

"We're not even sure if she'll answer Dinah." Normani said softly.

"I hate it!" Lauren yelled again, this time her voice seemed to break.

"Do you think she's happy now?" Ally asked as she looked at Dinah who seemed to be doubting to press call.

"I don't know. It's been a year since she did decide to leave us." Normani answered as she looked down.

"Fuck!" Lauren yelled as it was evident that she was crying.

"Lauser.." Dinah called out from outside Lauren's room.

"Y-Yeah?" Lauren replied, pretending that nothing happened.

"You ok in there?" Dinah said.

"Y-yeah. I'm fine." Lauren struggled to answer.

"I'm here Lauser." Dinah replied.

"You don't have to hide, I'm here." Dinah added, the trio then heard a click. Dinah nodded as she opened the door to see Lauren crying on the floor, hugging her knees.

"Laur.." Dinah trailed off as she kneeled down to hug Lauren.

"What happened?" Dinah asked, as the green-eyed girl collapsed in her arms.

"I hate them. I hate them all. I hate their fucking fans, I hate their videos, I hate them." Lauren sobbed as she clutched onto Dinah's shirt.

"I know Laur, I know." Dinah replied as she gently caressed Lauren's back.

"It's ok to cry sometimes Laur." Normani said as she kneeled down with Ally to hug Lauren as well.

"It's been a year but the cut she left is still open." Lauren mumbled.

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