Looking for Answers

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I looked around and all I could see was white. I felt peaceful and stress free, something I haven't felt in a while. Before I could even think about about where I was, a voice called me. When I turned around I had laid eyes on a little girl no older than six or seven. She resembled me kind of but at the same time she looked like Kaiden. The little girl had soft eyes, and lots of curly hair. I scanned her body and she had on an all white loose fitting dress. She smiled at me slightly and held out her hand. After thinking for a split second, I reluctantly took her hand.

We walked for what seemed like a long time before we came to two men in all white attire, almost suit like. The girl looked back at me and stood by the men while they slowly toward me. That's when I realized who they really were. My brothers, Jacob and Kyle. I felt my body temperature heat up and my heart fell into my stomach. I cant believe that I was actually looking at them right now. I had so many questions, and I want answers. I want to know everything that happened. I want to know what really went down on the night of their death. How could I loose my brothers and not want to know? Not to mention our sharing my mothers womb. I need to know.

I approached them slowly and their facing dropped down to my plump belly.

"I see you been having a little too much fun since we been gone." Jacob's voice filled my ears and I almost thought I was hearing things.

"What happened to you two? What happened that night?" I asked in an antsy tone. I lunged forward and grabbed his hand and he put his cold hand on mine. Chills ran down my spine as I felt the coldness.

"Gracie... You remember when dad said don't ask if you don't want the answer?" he waited for me to answer but I just nodded my head slowly. "Well that's what this is. I think it's best if you not know."

But before either of us could get another word out, Kyle nudged Jacob and whispered 'just tell her man she deserves to know', not knowing that I could hear him. Jacob grabbed my hand and brought me closer to him. Once I got close enough he let me go and Kyle approached my left side while Jacob was on my right. The little girl appeared out of nowhere. We walked around the place while he explained what happened to me. Just from his describing it, chills ran down my spine. All of the vivid details made me visualize what they went through that night. Sharing all of the same, everything pretty much, I could feel what they felt that night. A sudden pain shot through my thigh, then another in my lower stomach. The pain was so bad I had to stop for a second and hold my belly. The pain slowly went away and I could walk with them.

Jacob finally finished explaining to me what happened that night and I couldn't believe my ears. Both Jacob and Kyle were invloved with drugs and they owed money to this guy named Marco. Kyle being the ass he is, he threw the first punch. That's when all the crazy stuff went down. Marco's boys came out of their cars when they noticed him being jumped by Jacob and Kyle. They started fighting and out of nowhere Marco shot at Kyle, instantly Kyle fell to the floor, dead. Jacob went after Marco after knocking three dudes out on his way to him. But as he stumbled, Marco shot James twice. Once in the leg to make him fall then in the lower abdomen which caused him to bleed out slowly.

Tears were now streaming down my face as they brought me in for a hug. I miss my brothers so much and since they've been gone I haven't been the same. I don't talk to my parents as much, I barely talk to Avory. Speaking of Avory, I haven't seen her in a while and seeing my brothers makes me want to call her. Wait. Why can I see them? Why can i feel their bodies on mine? Most importantly, why aren't their bodies cold to me anymore?

Kyle pulled us out of the hug and he brought me out of the daze that I was slowly fading into. My eyes shot to the little girl as the began to hug my legs tightly. She let go and I looked back up at Kyle.

"What?" I asked him. He had this look on his face like he was worried about what was about to happen.

"Look Nylah, before you go I have something to tell you," he started, "you're my baby sister and I love you but you can't stay here. You have to go and be with mom and dad. I mean, you seen how mom acted when we died, what do you think she'll do if she lost you too? All three of her babies... just gone. How would you feel if you lost him?" he asked gesturing toward my belly. All i could focus on was his words. 'If you lost him'.

"Can I ask three more questions?" I pleaded.

Kyle rolled his eyes while Jacob laughed. "Yeah." Jacob said laughing still.

"When I get chills and I feel watched, is that you two?" I bit my lip.

They both busted into laughter, leaning onto each other slightly before nodding. I nudged them both slightly. Their always messing with me.

"Okay, um..." I had to choose my questions wisely, i only have two more before I have to go. My eyes wandered around before i noticed the little girl playing in this distance. "Who is she?"

Jacob lowered his head and Kyle watched her play. It looked like neither of them wanted to answer the question. It was silent for a while before Jacob cleared his throat and led me to a bench nearby. We sat down and Kyle stood by us, never taking his eyes off of the girl. She waved over to us as she stopped jumping around. I smiled at her as i admired the way she played alone. Aren't there any more kids here?

"Nylah that's Leah," he paused before he cleared his throat. "your daughter."

And just like that I left the place. I felt needles and tubes running all around my body. I fluttered my eyes and tried to focus my vision. Slowly the images became clear. Kaiden was asleep in a chair that was straight across from me, and Kim was near him in a fetal position on the window seat. My dad wasnt in my sight yet so I scanned around the room to see where he was. I seen him outside the door talking with the doctor, I couldn't make out what they were saying but my dad looked like he was about to cry. I turned to my left slowly once i realized someone was standing there. My mom. She looked a mess. Her hair was all over her head in what looked to be a curly ponytail. Her fair brown skin was sort of pale and she looked thin. Gosh, I'm the one in a hospital bed and I looked better than she did. She turned toward me, not catching onto the fact that I was already staring. She looked at me again, this time widening her eyes. The oxygen mask on my face moved as I smiled weakly.

"J-Jeff.." she said lowly. "Jeffery! Doc!" She yelled causing them to run in. I could hear Kaiden and Kim groaning as they awoke from their deep slumber.

Everyone looked at me in shock. Mom and dad held hands tightly as the doctor checked my vitals and my heart monitor. I never took my eyes off of my parents. After seeing my brothers there wasn't anything better than seeing them. But I spoke to soon. I felt a hand on my foot and I looked at Kaiden slowly. He smiled at me as he rubbed on my foot. Again, I smiled weakly as my eyes went to Kim as a tear rolled down her cheek.

"Well Mr. and Mrs. Baker you guys have one strong daughter. Most people her age don't come to so quickly." he looked to me. "You're one lucky lady Ms.Nylah. While I'm here I would just like to say that your baby boy is very healthy. Congratulations you all." He left the room.

Baby boy. My baby boy.

Okay so I know this is kind of short but bare with me. I'll try and be more frequent with my updates but i wanna try and get up there with my reads so tell your friends and leave feedback for me. Comment, and vote . Means A lot ! Leah in the M/M

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