All Things Go.

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I snatched my hand away from his and took a step back from him. But it was too late, Kaiden had already saw us. He looked like he'd been exercising or something. The sweat dripped down his face as he walked over to me, never breaking his stare from Devon.

Devon grinned like he'd accomplished a goal. If he came here to start things between Kaiden and I then there would be a problem. Kaiden looked at me for a split second before giving me a look. Not even a mad type of glare, I couldn't tell but I knew he was mad at me.

 "Aye, what are you doing here?" Kaiden questioned.

"I was invited. How are you Kaiden? Long time no see." I eyed Kaiden and he looked so agitated and uneasy. While Devon was so serene and cool.

 "Yeah. I'm good, just enjoying my time with my girl." All of a sudden I felt a tight grip around my waist and Kaiden pulled me closer to him. I groaned, he's hurting me. I tried to loosen his grip at least a little because this wasn't comfortable at all.

 "Kaiden... you're hurting me," I whispered. He ignored me and continued the staring contest with Devon.

Devon's eyes linked with mine and he saw the hurt and frustration of trying to get Kaiden to let go. He jumped off of the chair and went to remove Kaiden's hand. And just like that, all Hell broke loose.

Kaiden shoved Devon back, causing him to hit is back on the marble island. Without hesitation Devon came back with a punch to Kaiden's face and got him right in the jaw. They were on the floor, tussling each other around causing a big mess. I stood there so still and in shock, I couldn't move. Then I heard someone, breaking me out of my "coma".

 "Oh my God!" Kim screamed as she came through the door. Ty immediately came over, sliding past me to get to Devon and Kaiden, breaking up the fight. Kim grabbed my arm, pulling me out of the kitchen. She tried to pull me upstairs but I remained right in my spot by the stairs.

Once Ty got the two apart they began to argue. Devon's hands were red and Kaiden's face was slightly bruised and scratched. I couldn't determine how bad Devon was hurt, due to the fact his back was toward me. Tyler stood in between the two, making sure they couldn't start another fight.

 "If you ever put your hands on that girl again...boy you better hope I don't find out!" Devon barked at Kaiden. They were breathing so loud, so heavily. I could hear it from where I was standing.

 "What we do doesn't concern yo ass!" Kaiden ended his sentence by lunging toward Devon. Ty did his best to hold him back, but who can control a pitbull during a fight? Kaiden broke free from Ty and sent a blow straight for Devon's head. I ran in the kitchen and pushed Kaiden off of Devon.

I could feel arms and hands all over me. Everyone was serving a different purpose. I was trying to break the whole thing up, while Kim was trying to help me get out of the mix. Ty was maintaining Kaiden's hands and Devon was trying to get to Kaiden.

"Stop!" I yelled.Kim, Ty, and I finally got them to stop and they just looked at me. Devon threw his hands up and left without being told to leave. Kaiden went elsewhere and I went upstairs to be with my baby. This is too much. I might have rethink my relationship with Kaiden.




It's been over three months since the incident. Kaiden didn't talk to me for a while but it wasn't like I was ready to talk to him either. We didn't speak for a month. But now, everything is coming together again. We're doing our best to work on our relationship and I couldn't ask for anything else.

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