Caught Up

35 3 1

I rolled over in my bed trying to fight the urge to get up. Then I smelled the aroma of breakfast food, and immediately I got up, brushed my teeth and headed toward the kitchen. On the way I peeked in Kim's room and she wasn't in there, when I got to the dining room I saw her sitting in a chair and then Kaiden in the kitchen cooking for us. I smiled and took a seat across from Kim.

Almost instantly after I took a seat, a plate of food was served in front of me. While I ate the food, Kim started up a conversation.

"So, your mom called. "

I looked up at her from my plate. The expression on her face wasn't a happy one. She looked sad, angry even. Anything could be running through her head.

"Oh... What did she want?"

"Um... I don't know she just said to call her so you guys can go nursery shopping." she crossed her arms.

"Oh yeah. She wants to put a nursery over there. Ya know for when the baby stays over. "

I'm getting better at lying. After all I did for two months, now I'm lying again. My mom wants to start moving me in over there. Since I haven't really brought it up to them, Kaiden and Kim don't know anything about my living situation.

"Oh... Okay. "

"Speaking of nursery, babe we should start going to get stuff. Your almost 32 weeks. Don't you think we should start getting stuff ready. "


"Do you want to go today? We're off so I mean we can go later."

"Yeah sure. After you eat we can go."

"I already ate."

"Oh okay , well then we can get ready then leave I guess. "

I got up from the table and put my plate in the sink. Then I went straight for the showers. I did my normal hygienic routine and then got out of the shower. After putting on lotion and my undergarments I put on an all white shirt with light denim shorts. My belly was now shooting out and I started getting uncomfortable in my clothes. I took a seat on my bed and Kaiden knocked on the door. I told him to come in and he smiled before he kissed me.

"You look mad."

"I'm uncomfortable. Can you hand me my red converse please?"

As I asked, he got them and sat by my feet. Slowly, he placed one shoe on foot, then the other one. I smiled as he lightly tickled my foot. I did my eyeliner and mascara and threw my hair up in a messy bun. Then we waited for Kim to come out do we could go. When she did, we grabbed our keys and things and headed out. We took Kaiden's car because he has a truck.

All day we went around the city and got everything we could for the baby. It was actually fun picking out things for the nursery. But since we don't know the sex yet we had to get unisex colors for now. We got a crib, a swing, a changing table and toys and clothes. Finally we went to my favorite restaurant to finish up the day.

"Yall figure out what y'all gonna do when she has the baby?" Kaiden directed toward Kim.

For a while it was silent, she just looked at me with these eyes. Like she knew something and I didn't know what. She just continued to stare.

"Well she has..." Kim said crossing her arms and sitting back in her chair.

"What are you talking about Kim?"

"You know exactly what I'm talking about. When your mom called she apologized for the way you were just gonna leave. She thought I knew! You were just leave me like that? I thought I was supposed to help you with my god baby, but no. Did you tell Kaiden or were you keeping it from him too?"

"I was gonna tell y'all but I didn't know how. And this ... You yelling at me is exactly why I didn't say a damn thing. I didn't want to see that look you have on your face right now. Kim I looked for my own place because I didn't think you'd want to share a home with a crying baby. You have your own life and I do too now. I just figured it was best if I moved out."

She didn't say anything for the rest of the night. When we got home she helped unload the stuff and put it my room. Going in there with all this stuff and having nowhere to put it, is a constant reminder that I'm going to have to leave soon.

After I finished packing the stuff away as best I could, I sprawled out on my bed. My feet started to throb and my back started to ache. After being on my feet for longer than two hours now, everything hurts. I laid on my back then noticed my baby belly poking out a bit more. Everyday I notice a slight difference in my weight and stomach. I show more and more each day and its exciting to think of what they're going to look like.

I turned to my side and slowly began to drift to sleep. Once my body slowly began to slip away into my dreams, I heard Kim's door slam, causing me to practically jump out of bed. I feel horrible that I've caused her to fell this way but I have to do what's best for my baby not for Kim. I love her, but I have to be ready to be on my own.

As the sun rose my body woke up with the world. I got out of bed and did my morning routine. I dressed myself in a simple light pink sundress that went to my feet. After I played in my hair for a while I went to the kitchen and grabbed an apple.

The apartment was lifeless, not a single light was on. The sun crept inside thought the blinds but it was still dull. I slouched down on the couch and scrolled through my Instagram. Suddenly, a call from Kaiden.


"Hey, look I'm sorry for last night. I was going to tell you bu-"

"Grace. Its fine. I understand why you didn't say anything. " he cut me off. To my surprise, he understood. And that's all I wanted.

"Okay... Thanks babe. How was your night?"

"I was up most of the night but I'm....I have a surprise for you. "

"What babe?" I said so nonchalant. I wasn't excited at all. Normally when Kaiden says he has a surprised it's nothing extravagant.

"I got a house for you... Well us. All of us."

My eyes grew wide and I began to get excited. He got us a house. I couldn't believe it. For Kaiden to do this means a lot. I could feel the munchkin moving around a lot.

"Seriously?! Where? "

"You gotta come see it. I can't tell you.I'm outside, come on so we can go."

"Okay I'm coming."

I ran in my room and put my gold and white beaded sandals. I grabbed my white Michael Kors purse and my keys and I left a note for Kim on the dining room table. I cannot wait to tell her that we'll still be here.


"Yup." I got on his truck and buckled my seat-belt as we pulled off.

Old picture of Kim , Avory and Nylah

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