Power Trip

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After another hour of being at the family get together Kaiden and I went home. There wasn't much to do besides go to bed, tomorrow is Monday and everyone goes back to work, including me.

I won't lie and say I'm not nervous because I am. Going back to work at the boutique is going to be stressful and that's the last thing I need. It's not like Jay is going to daycare and I don't know the people and what they do to those kids. I don't trust that so Jay is going to stay home with Kaiden tomorrow. I kind of felt like I was putting extra weight on my parents but this is their first grandchild so they're happy to do it. Before I could wrap up my thoughts Kaiden pulled into the driveway and parked in his usual spot. I sighed before unbuckling myself and heading up to the porch, Kaiden told me go ahead and he would get James.

I unlocked the door and went inside, Kaiden was close behind me. I headed straight upstairs to our room, flopping myself onto our plush, queen sized bed. So many things were going on in my head to the point where I couldn't focus on just one. That drink was coming back to haunt me already. I know I only had a couple sips of it. What was in that damn drink? I rubbed my hands across my forehead, stop stressing Nylah. Just relax.

"Did you have fun seeing your family?" Kaiden came through the door. He went to the bathroom.

"Yeah. It was really nice."

"Good, I'm glad you had fun." He came back with nothing but sweats on.

"Yeah, me too."

Kaiden sat next to me on the bed, pulling me close to him. At first I pulled away from him, making his job harder than what he expected. He tugged on my arm and jerked me over to him. My arm began to throb in pain.

"Ow!" I snatched away from his grip and held into my left arm.

"Look what you did!" He smiled. "If you would've just came over here and laid with me then yo arm would be ok." He started to laugh and then pulled me closer like he intended on doing before.

For some reason I couldn't shake this feeling. I didn't want to rely on Kaiden and his money but I didn't want to leave James with my parents either. My mom said she would be okay with watching him while I went to work but I'm not sure if I want to go back at all. I enjoy being home with him, I like being a stay at home mom but can we afford it is the question. Kaiden, Kim and I are young and we're doing well for ourselves but adding the house and James to our funds has been tough and I don't think I'll be able to stay home.

Kaide held me in his arms the whole night. We watched a few movies and I fell asleep right there.

**** **** **** **** ****

Waking up to a nosey alarm clock this morning was rough, not to mention the constant beeping woke James up as well. I was running late due to the fact that James wouldn't stop crying. Kaiden came in and took James from me, I was beyond frustrated. I went to our bedroom and sat on the bed, burying my face in my hands. My straight hair was held in a loose ponytail, I took a deep breath and rubbed the hairs to lay flat on my head.

I couldn't bring myself to get up and get myself ready. I didn't want to go. Soon I heard James' cries fade away and Kaiden's footsteps coming toward the room. For another minute or so I just sat there but then Kaiden came into the room and I shot up out of my spot and went to the bathroom. Before I sat down on the toilet I shut and locked the door behind me, I don't want Kaiden to ask any questions.

Kaiden's POV

Nylah hasn't said a word to me all morning and I know something's up with her. After I heard James crying for over a half an hour I decided to go help, she looked so irritated and irked but I didn't want to say anything. I took James from her arms and tried to soothe him so she could focus on getting ready for work. It didn't take long to get him back to sleep, he must've felt her irritation. When I got back to the room Nylah jumped up from the bed and went into the bathroom, lightly slamming the door behind her. Now I know something's bothering her.

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