Four Walls

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Some time has passed and still I've yet to hear from Brandon. It's really hard for me to think that my kid isn't gonna have his dad around but Kaiden has told me that he will there if Brandon isn't. Yeah, that might seem like reassurance for me but it isn't. It may not seem like it but I do want Brandon around, not for me, for his kid.

I've been at Kaiden's pretty much every night after work. He even came to my last doctors appointment with me. At first he was hesitant and wouldn't even touch my belly, now he constantly talks to the little nugget. My belly is officially passed the point of hiding. Even with my largest sweatshirt you can still see my bump. I have no clue how I'm going to hide it anymore.

Today Kaiden and I decided to go out and try to find clothes to hide the baby. When we got there nothing could fit right. Everything was way too small and I soon got frustrated. We left the store and went to the next one. Again, nothing could fit and the things that could fit were all too baggy and people would notice. Soon enough I found a couple things to wear for a while.

"So you wanna do anything before we go home? Kinda tired of being in the house."

Kaiden and I have been in the house for the past two weeks. Only time we leave is for work. He understands why I don't want to leave. I'm scared to run into somebody that I know and they'll go back and tell my parents. I know Kaiden hates being inside all the time but I can't tell them yet. I have to find the right time.

"Um I don't think so babe, maybe tomorrow. I promise, okay?" I said as I kissed his check while he was driving.

He had this look on his face like he was mad or something. I know he needs to get out of the house and all but I'm not ready to tell my parents yet. I know it seems silly but I'm scared. I may have my stuff together and I'm out of the house, paying my own bills and have my own car but its something about my parents not being around scares the hell out of me. Kaiden pulled into a parking space and we made our way up to his apartment. I unlocked he door while he carried our bags. After cooking dinner for us I sat on the couch next to him, watching sports center, something about a player getting injured.

"You okay?" He looked so irritated.

"Yeah..." he sighed as he shook his head and stood up from the couch. "actually, no Nylah I'm not. I'm tired of staying in the house all the damn time. All I see everyday are these four walls... Four fuckin' walls Nylah. I understand not wanting to tell your parents...but god! Grace your twenty-three years old... Grow up."
I was still sitting on the couch once he stood up. My eyes were now watery, it took a lot not to cry seriously. But he doesn't get it. Nobody does and this is exactly why I can't let anybody find out.

"If you didnt want me to be here then that's all you had to say... I'll leave if I'm making you this upset."
I got up from the couch and went to his room to get my clothes that I brought over after he asked me to stay for a little while. While I packed a couple tears shed from my eyes, I wiped them away. I never thought Kaiden would make me feel like this. I picked up the bag and headed for the door. Without hesitation I went to my own apartment. Without looking around I went to my room and threw the bag down on my floor.
"Grace?" I heard a familiar voice call from my doorway. Kim.

She didn't tell me she was coming home soon. Then again she and Tyler have been gone for almost a month. I laid in my bed on my side under the covers crying.

"What's going on, talk to me Grace please. What's wrong?"

But I didn't I just laid there crying. What am I supposed to tell her? That Kaiden got pissed because I'm too scared to run into anybody in the city? I just don't know. But my mouth did more than I planned. Without thinking I blurted the words. She grabbed my arm softly, making my lay on my back. She looked at me for a long time then I grabbed her hand and placed it on my baby bump. A tear dropped at first. Then she went to her room and closed the door.

Text mode•

Me- I told Kim... If that means anything to you.
Kaiden- sorry for going off earlier. I love you grace.

Kaiden in the M/M

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