On the Edge

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Quick little author's note just to let you know. I change P.O.Vs a lot coming up so hopefully you won't get confused. There will be a sequel to this book hopefully. So continue reading and don't forget to vote and comment!










Kim's POV

I was awakened by the sound of multiple voices: Kaiden and Nylah. I rolled my eyes as I attempted to get out of bed only to be restricted by Tyler's death grip around my waist.

I smiled. It's nice waking up next to him, just watching him sleep next to me is amazing. He cut back on the traveling and started handling business closer to home which is awesome. I love having him here, what girlfriend wouldn't want their man home?

Before I could get out of bed I heard James whimpering in his sleep. They woke him up. I quickly brushed y teeth and washed my face. When I was done I walked through the hall without even looking in the direction of the loud argument I went straight to James' room. Hopefully it's just a wet diaper. I felt around his little butt and determined he was wet and also hungry. I changed his and brought his over my shoulder so I could soothe him a little while I tried to think of a way to get Nylah out of this situation.

Yes, I knew about Leah. I knew after she left Cali, something wasn't right about the whole thing. I constantly brought it up and she told me. I tried talking her into letting me tell Kaiden and once she brought up adoption I almost did say something but she begged me not to, so I kept my mouth shut. There was nothing worse that I felt bad for than watching Kaiden smash other girls left and right while Grace was pregnant and with her grandmother in Arizona. I hated him while she was gone, then once she came back he was a completely different person. I haven't looked at him the same since then.

Finally, the argument calmed down enough so I could intervene. I walked out quickly toward the two and neither of them acknowledged our presence.

 "Sorry but uh my baby's gotta eat so can you uh go handle that." I passed James over to her and eyes Kaiden. He looked at Grace with these cold hard eyes, with so many emotions. I couldn't even pick one to describe.

Kaiden's eyes followed Grace until she walked into James' room slamming the door shut. He kissed his teeth thinking the whole thing was over. No honey, it's not.

 "What Kim?"

"Oh nothing. Just watched you belittle her like she's nothing. Kaiden do you not realize that it took a lot for her not to tell you. She thought it would ruin you, y'all friendship. Hell Kaiden she did the whole damn thing for you! She did it so you wouldn't have to worry. She did it because she knew you would just drop everything and be all about her and the baby, she didn't want that." I whispered.

 "And....that's a bad thing?"

I scoffed and pulled him downstairs, cursing to myself in spanish the whole way. We reached the kitchen and I pulled out some ingredients for breakfast and sat them down on the table. Kaiden looked up at me.

 "You said you were cooking so... get to it." I sat down on a bar stool that sat at the island.

While he cooked he asked me all about the whole situation. I told him small things but not the important stuff, he'd have to get that from Nylah. Every time I would mention the baby he would blush slightly to himself and recover with wiping his hands across his face. He really did want that baby.

Before I knew it Ty was coming downstairs wearing a plain white t shirt and grey sweats, he looks so good in the morning. He dapped up with Kaiden and then came over to me. He wrapped his arms around my torso as he kissed my neck so gently, it made my stomach cave in.

 "Hey breakfast is done if y'all are hungry." Kaiden turned toward us and finished scrambling the eggs. On cue Nylah came down the stairs looking just as she did when I handed James to her, pissed.

 "So did I not make it clear that I don't want you here?" She said lightly laughing.

 "But like I said this is my house too."  Kaiden shrugged his shoulders and went back to transferring eggs onto a plate.

 "Kaiden I seriously don't need this right now." Nylah said in almost a whisper, I could hardly hear her. Ty asked what was going on but I shushed him and continued to listen.

 "Don't need what Nylah? Don't need me?" I lifted my brow at the thought. Nylah does need him but this could've possibly ruined everything. I got up from the stool and headed for the for the stairs, Ty did the same. Before leaving I rubbed her shoulder basically saying good luck and ran up the stairs. I hope they make it through this.








Just a quick little something. I wanted to update tonight so yeah.

Good night!

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