Silly Rabbit

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Brandon and I have been really good lately. Im not sure of its just because Nylah hasn't been blowing up his phone, but Brandon seems to be committed to me. He comes over almost every night and our connection is undeniable. We can sit in the house all weekend and still have a blast. How many couples can do that now a days? I've been thinking of a more serious commitment here lately.

It was almost time for me to wake him up for work. I laid my head on his chest and ran my fingertips along the lines of his six pack. He started to move, making me think he was awake but when I lifted my head to talk to him he was still sleeping. Then again, I ran my fingers along his body.

"Nova..." he said turning his body over. "Come on now. I'm trynna sleep."
"Yeah well you have to get up anyways. Come on, get up."

I stood up from the bed in nothing but my bra and panties. He turned over looking at me with a smile, then it faded almost instantly.

"Im not going. I told em I wasn't coming today." I barely heard him due to the fact that he buried his head in the pillow.

"Why'd you do that?"
"I have a doctors appointment today."
"Oh, what time I can see if I can get off so I can go with you." I tried straightening my side of the bed up but his body was sprawled out everywhere.

"Uh, its not that type of appointment. It's for the baby."

He rolled out of bed and went into the bathroom. I could barely hear the part about the baby. But I stopped in my tracks once I did.

"Oh. Okay."

I went into the bathroom and ran the shower water. He left when I started getting undressed. This baby thing is really starting to fuck with my head. Honestly, I don't think it is his baby. After all Nylah doesn't have the cleanest past when it comes to cheating according to Brandon. When I first heard I immediately had this feeling and the more I hear about it, the more want to pull my damn hair out. I finished up my shower and went back into the bedroom wrapped in my towel. He wasn't in here. I got dressed in my scrubs and comfy shoes. I work at a hospital, I'm a nurse. I put my hair up in a messy ponytail and I called it a day. I walked out of the room and went into the front room. He was on the phone.

"Yeah I know where it is..... Its at three right?"
He's talking to Nylah. I crossed my arms and waited for him to finish the phone call.

"Alright. See you soon. Okay... Bye."

He got up from the chair and went back to the bedroom. I followed him and he was packing his clothes that he came over with last night. He wasn't in a rush but I swear in my eyes he was practically racing trying to get everything.

"Wow Brandon. And I thought you changed. "
"What are you talking about?" he continued to pack his bag, making sure he didn't leave anything.

"Whenever she calls... When she needs you, you jump like your her pet or something. You still love her B." He immediately stopped.
"No Nova I don't. I don't love her. If I loved her I would be with her right now, I wouldn't be here."
"What the... " I paused. "You're gonna look me in my eyes and lie?! Brandon I will never be number one to you! Ever! She always will have a piece of you. Holding onto it just because she can."
"No, you will never be number one. My child will. My son or my daughter will always come before you, her, or anybody else. That's my kid Nova. Am I supposed to choose you over my kid?" He picked up the under amour bag and headed for the door. I followed him as he walked out.

"No your not. Brandon you don't have a kid. That baby is not yours! She cheated on you hell of times, what makes you think this kid is yours?" A tear left from my eyes. I didn't want to say it but he had to hear it.


I stood there for a while, speechless. It may the first thing dudes think about when they girl tell them she's pregnant, but it completely slipped my mind. She did cheat, but it could still be my baby. I put my bag in the truck and left her ass standing there.

When I got inside my house I took a shower and got ready. I dressed in tan Levi's and a galaxy shirt with black shoulder sleeves. For shoes I put on my grapes. Once I got ready I went to go pick Nylah up. On the way I was kind of nervous, only because I haven't seen her in about two months. She's six months pregnant now, she's bound to be showing by now. I pulled up in the parking lot and made my way to her apartment. I knocked on the door and waited for Kim or Nylah to answer it, but a punk ass opened it instead.

"Grace, Brandon's here." Kaiden yelled toward the back of the apartment, eyeing me the entire time.

She quickly came to the door, looking absolutely amazing. She might be pregnant and all but baby girl looking mighty fine. Interrupting my view of her, Kaiden grabbed her waist and kissed her. On the outside I was cool but on the inside I wanted to punch a couple teeth loose. After they got done she said bye to Kim and we headed out. While we walked to the car I admired her body. She was wearing blue jeans and a pink shirt that was longer than a normal type of shirt. It showed cleavage and that's where my attention was.

"How you been?" I asked her. We been in the car for about ten minutes and she hadn't said anything. It's awkward being around her again. Its almost like we were never together.

"Fine Brandon.
"I been coo. When you and ole boy start dating."
"About a month and a half ago. Why? " "Just wanted to know."
"Yeah well, can you not? Its not your business anymore. All you should be worried about is your kid."
We didn't say much after that. Once we got the hospital she led the way because I've never been here before. To my surprise, we weren't sitting there long ,maybe ten minutes or less.

When the doctor came in everything went by quick. But when he turned on the sonogram I teared up. To see the baby on the screen was kind of scary. That let's me know that this is real. I knew it was real before but this... This is something else.

"Do we wanna know the gender?"
"Yes." we both answered.
While the nurse fooled around with the matching and rubbed the little tool around on Nylah she made a face. immediately I thought something was wrong. she laughed a little, easing my frustration.
"Welp, looks like the little one is being selfish today. So maybe next visit we'll be able to tell. sound good?" We both nodded.
As they finished the ultrasound, we left the hospital. In the car she just looked down at her stomach and talked the the baby. I didn't want to bring it up but I have to know. Once we got to her apartment I parked the car.

"Wait, Nylah. I need to talk to you." Out of habit I put my hand on her thigh. I moved it before she had to tell me.
"Im sorry but I have to ask... Is the baby mine?" Instantly I got a look from her. She tightened her face and lifted her brow.
"Really? Wow Brandon. I cannot believe you right now. What makes you ask me that?"
"You cheated on me Nylah, multiple times. Don't act like you did-"
"REALLY BRANDON!? I've never cheated. That's your insecurity. Yes this baby is yours and for you to ask me that is really horrible." She opened the door and got out before slamming it. "Asshole..."

She got out of the car and walked up to her apartment. I felt really bad for making her upset. I put my face in my hands and let out a couple breathes. I cleared my head and then went home. Its a lot on my mind and I feel horrible for what I did. I think listening to Nova was the stupidest things I've done in a long time.

Nova in the M/M

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