Begging you.

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"Check this out," Susan said and passed the phone to Jessica who was laying next to her. Resting her legs on Susan's lap while having her cat snoozing on her belly, patting her.

Jessica took the phone in her hands and looked at it, at least tried to, "Your glasses," she demanded and opened her palm. Susan took off her glasses and handed them to Jessica.

"What am I looking at?" the blonde asked

"Jesus," Susan said and chuckled, "The world is on fire"

"Well, as for that, I'm aware" Jessica replied and gave the phone back to her lover along with her glasses, "You know, I read the other day about Jane"

"Fonda?" Susan interrupted her, "Yeah, she's been doing a lot, she's not just sitting back" she added

"She's admirable. I don't know how she does it"

"Am I not admirable?" Susan asked and looked at her, smirking

"You know you are," Jessica replied and smiled as well

Susan straightened her glasses and looked back on her phone. With that, Jessica lifted herself from the couch, placed the cat on the floor, and gazed at her lover.

The younger woman sighed, trying to catch her lover's attention but invalid. She sighed again and still, no response came from the other woman. Jessica looked at Susan's arms observing her scars, she rolled softly her fingers on them, "They scratched the hell out of you," she muttered

Susan looked at her arms and returned staring at her phone, "Yeah, but they seem to adapt just fine"

"I remember Walker, begging me and Sam to get a cat, of course, the cat phase passed, and pretty soon he was begging us to get a hamster"

"Did you get a hamster after all?"

Jessica giggled, "Oh, Jesus, no. Having a mouse in my house? No"

Susan laughed. She looked at Jessica's hand, resting comfortably on her lap, something that didn't pass unnoticed from Jessica who started stroking her softly. "Would you mind leaving your phone to the side?" Jessica whispered in an alluring tone.

"To do what?" Susan asked and looked at her lover without changing the expression on her face.

Jessica looked at her lover, discouraged for a minute, "For how long are you gonna punish me?" she asked and finally stood up from the couch, searching for her cigarettes.

"I'm not punishing you"

"Yeah, I can tell," Jessica yelled from the other room while returning to her seat with a cigarette attached to her lips

"I'm really not punishing you, Jess," Susan replied and left her phone to the side.

"How long has it been, Susan? You won't let me touch you for Christ's sake. What else can I do? I said I'm sorry" she said, more relaxed now

Susan looked at her and breathed, "Well," she started, "Maybe next time you could actually think before talking"

"Susan, I wasn't..." she stopped and glimpsed up, inhaling, "I was drunk, I wasn't myself"

"So this is how it's gonna be from now on?" Susan questioned, looking at her

Jessica blew the smoke to the side, "What is that mean?" she asked and chuckled awkwardly, seeing Susan so calm was flustering her, not knowing when she was gonna outburst.

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