Happy Birthday.

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"I just don't get it, I mean, I tried to be there for her, I did everything she asked me to and that's her way of saying thank you?" Jack shouted, tossing his hands in the air

"Jack, you can't expect people to thank you, you do things because you want to" Susan replied, having Jessica into her arms as they were laying on the couch, "I know that and I wanted to be there for her but she was so cruel! Gosh, you should've seen her. Last night everything was perfect and when we woke up it was like she became a whole other person"

"God..." Jessica said and took a sitting position, opening her legs and resting her elbows on her knees. Eventually, she stretched out to reach for her cigarettes. "Women are so complicated"

"I know!" he yelled and covered his face with his palms, exhaling eventually.

"Even after everything she told you, you still want to be with her?"

"It's not up to me, Jessica"

"Look," Susan took a slice of pizza, "Maybe now it's entirely up to you, maybe she wants you to run after her," she said with a full mouth

"I'm always running after her!"

"Jesus Christ, you've been together for two months, Jack, I think you should move on, can't you see that she wasn't good for you?"

"How can you say that?" Jack said offended

"She's been making your life a living hell, how can you not see it?"

With that Susan widened her eyes and stared at her lover, making a sign for her to cut it out, "I'm not gonna stop talking, Jesus Sue, I love him, I care for him and I can see that she's not the right person for him"

"I knew you didn't like her from the very beginning but keep that opinion to yourself!" Jack yelled

"It's not that I didn't like her. I just could see that she was using you"

"She loved me"

"Maybe, I'm not denying that" Jessica replied and before she could continue they heard the doorbell ringing, all turned and looked at the door, "Maybe it's her"

"Jesus, Jack you told her where I'm living?" Susan whispered

"No," he replied scared. Jessica stood up to open the door, "Oh maybe it's..."

"Hannah?" Jessica asked surprised

"Mom, hi" Hannah greeted her with a smile

"What are you doing here?" she asked while opening the door for her daughter to walk in.

"Oh, I invited her, I wanted a friend," he said and stood up

Hannah hugged her mother and then moved in to greet Susan by giving her a kiss, she walked to Jack, hugged him, and finally they all sat down, "So, I wanna know everything," Hannah said and looked at him

Jessica took a drag from her cigarette and turned to see her lover, blowing the smoke to the side, Susan looked over at the kids and once she made sure that they weren't paying attention to them she returned finally to her lover and mouthed: "I'm sorry"

"It's fine, don't worry about it" she susurrated

"But tonight is still on the table"

"Yeah, it is," she returned and took Susan's glasses along with her phone from the table. Susan was observing her as she wore the glasses and opened the phone reading when out of the blue she went closer to Jessica's ears and whispered, "If only we could leave now"

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