Telling Jack.

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"Can I come in?" Jessica asked with a slight smile on her face as she was standing outside Susan's apartment. Susan giggled before opening wide the door for her woman, "You didn't even have to ask"

Jessica entered the house, planting a kiss on her lover's cheek, and greeted Jack with a smile while dropping her things to the side, "What are you doing? Am I interrupting?"

"We're just talking" Jack answered and left his phone on the table, getting his cup

"I was hoping to find you here," the younger woman said and finally took a seat next to him, "Jess, Jack knows"

With that Jessica turned and looked at her lover who was now returning back to her seat

"What do you mean?"

"I know about Sarah and why mom acted that way back there"

"Oh..." she murmured, "Well, I don't expect you to understand but you don't know the whole story"

"And that's exactly why you're here, right?"

"Jack, you..." she paused and sighed, "It's hard for me, I didn't want you to find it out that way"

"And I didn't want to find it out at all"

"Jack, whatever happened belongs to the past"

"How can you say that?!" he shouted, "How can you still love her after everything she did to you! Mom!" Jack said, looking at his mother

"Jack, I love your mother"

"I'm not saying the opposite, I just don't get it. You were telling me how Lea is not good for me and you two can't see that what you have is sick"

"Jack, I cheated on Jessica long before she did"

With that Jessica closed her eyes and lowered her sight, "And I wanted to do it, I don't blame her for doing the exact same thing to me"

"What?! And you are okay with that?" he asked Jessica who finally glanced up, "I wasn't okay with that. But I'm not an easy-going person Jack, It still puzzles me why your mother wants to be with me"

"What about Sarah?"

"What about her?"

"What happened?"

"Things with Sarah were... are complicated"

"I should leave you two alone," Susan said and stood up, "Where are you going?"

"I don't feel comfortable listening," she said and took her phone

"But I've got nothing to hide" Jessica replied and looked into her lover's eyes

"I know, baby" Susan said and grinned while disappearing into the bedroom

Both Jack and Jessica waited for Susan to close the door, finally, Jessica turned to him and placed her palm on his lap, "You know how much I love you, right?"

"I love you too"

"And you can see how much I love your mother. You can see that I would do anything for her"

"She loves you too"

"Things with Sarah were difficult from the very beginning. I loved her and I still do. At first, we tried to hide it but the rumors were spreading, I... my kids... Sam... I didn't want them to know. Especially, Sam. That's why I decided to break up with her but I never stopped loving her and as it turns out neither did she. I went back to L.A. to work, I wanted it to happen, I wasn't drunk or anything and things with your mother weren't going well. I don't regret it and your mother knows it. When I came back, I immediately told Susan about it and here we are. She doesn't want me to spend time with Sarah and I understand that but I can't just cut her out of my life because I want her around me, that's something your mother can't seem to understand and Sarah is crazy about her, you've got to see them both in the same room, they can't stop laughing"

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