Starting over. (pt3)

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Susan woke up with the first ray of sun that broke into her bedroom, stretching out in her bed, she looked at the empty spot next to her and dragged her fingertips on the pillow, secretly imagining Jessica lying next to her. From the very beginning, they started spending the nights together, except of course when Susan was working or when Jessica was staying up in Minnesota so the transition was taking her some time.

Hearing Susan waking up slowly made her cats run into the bedroom and jump on her be, causing her to chuckle, she checked her phone and before opening Twitter, she immediately text her "friend".


"Good morning, Jessica"

But Susan knew that it was too early for her lover to be awake. Jessica has always been a 'night' person, staying up until sunrise and sleeping till noon but with Susan, she had to adapt.

The first two months when Jessica and Susan started dating were torture for the redhead, though. Numerous nights have passed with Jessica talking about her past, her achievements with Susan nodding without hearing a word, fighting with the urge to sleep but of course that never bothered Jessica who was finding it rather cute than annoying.

So Susan continued her day as planned, waiting for the night to come and finally get to see her lover again until her phone rang.

"Eva?" Susan asked and a slight smile appeared on her face

"Mom? Hi, how are you?"

Apparently, she regretted picking it up and felt horrible about it. Around two, Eva dropped Marlowe at her place. She was gonna stay there for the night and how on earth could Susan cancel her date with Jessica...


"Good morning, Susan"

Jessica replied the minute Eva closed the door and with the sound of Susan's phone she rushed into the bedroom,


"Jess, I'm afraid we have to cancel it for today"

She texted and closed her phone, looking at Marlowe who was chasing the cats around the house.


"Is everything alright?"


"Everything's fine. I'm having Marlowe for the day"


"That's wonderful! Well, have fun and don't worry about it. We'll meet some other time"


"How about we meet after I put her in bed?"


"Sounds good but I had plans that I was going to cancel of course if we met but now that we won't I think I should go"


"Go where?"


"Asking as a friend, I imagine"


"Of course!"

Jessica chuckled at her lover's response and closed her phone, biting her lip, she stood up and continued making coffee. She knew how to make her woman suffer in her own way... After almost an hour she finally replied,

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