The dream

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As Requested:

"Sue, where is my book?" Jessica's loud voice reached Susan, who was now resting comfortably on the couch

"Which one?" Susan hollered back with her eyes glued on the book she was reading

"The one you're reading," Jessica whispered now as she was standing in front of her woman

"Oh," Susan answered and looked at the cover, "Well, that explains why I couldn't understand the plot. Where's mine?" she said chuckling and straightened her glasses, handing the book back to its owner

Jessica smiled, "On the nightstand"

"You're done?" asked Susan while reaching for Jessica's legs, pulling her closer

"I think I am"

"What if you don't go?" she asked again and smiled while glancing up

"We talked about this, Sue"

"I know" she whispered and buried her face between her lover's legs. "But I don't want you to leave"

"I know, honey"

"Promise me you'll call me every day"

"I promise" Jessica replied and laughed, "Now, come on. Don't be like that, you should be happy for me, I'm finally working, and the script is good. What's the matter with you, honey?"

"No, I'm happy and all that. I'm just going to miss you terribly"

"I'm gonna miss you too" Jessica replied and started stroking her woman's head, "I've got to pack, will I see you tonight?"

"Of course," Susan replied and finally let Jessica's legs, as she sat back on the couch, "Just call me when you're done"

"It won't take long," Jessica said and stepped back. Out of the blue, her phone started ringing which made both of them furrow their brows together.

Jessica's phone was rarely ringing if it wasn't for something important, she went back into the bedroom to pick it up and returned back inside, laughing at the phone. Susan continued looking at her.

"No, I'm not home -- Well, I'll be out of town the whole month actually -- What about tonight? -- Susan? --"

With that, Susan looked at her with a suspicious look on her face.

"I'm sure she won't have a problem with that -- Yes, I'm sure -- We'll be waiting, okay? -- Bye now, see you later -- Yes, bye, darling" Jessica said and closed the phone

"I won't have a problem with what?"

"With Sarah joining us tonight" Jessica replied and slid her phone into her pocket

"Oh, come on, Jess" Susan whined, "But I do have a problem, I wanted to spend the night alone with you"

"Well, I couldn't say no, honey"

"You could at least try!"

"Susan, come on, we will still have the whole night to ourselves, she's gonna stay for an hour or two and then leave"

"Well... okay"

"That's my baby," Jessica said and smiled, "I've got to go now, I'll see you later?"

"I'll think about it," Susan replied and crossed her arms

Jessica smirked and walked closer to her lover, she leaned down and pressed a kiss on her lips, "Come for me, Sue" Jessica whispered in a husky tone making Susan open slowly her eyes and smirk until she kissed her, longer and harder this time, "So will you?" Jessica asked while licking her lips, "As always" Susan replied and winked at her.

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