Spend time

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As promised, Jessica was back for dinner after making a stop at her own place just to take a shower and change her clothes. Seeing Sarah after so long and changing somehow the way Susan felt towards her friend made her more than happy and complete. The blonde woman arrived at her lover's house around nine, she used her keys to get inside and immediately Susan's cats run towards her, trying to climb on her leg, Jessica laughed and placed her things to the side, "Susan?" she shouted but no reply came, she looked around the house looking for her but invalid, Susan was nowhere to be found.

Jessica took her phone out and fell on the couch once she poured herself some Vodka, "Sue?"

"Hey" Susan whispered softly on the other line

"Where are you?"

"I'm at Clayton's now, why?"

"Well, you said we're having dinner tonight and I'm at your place"


"That's fine, don't worry about it"

"No, I'm coming home"

"No, Sue, stay"

"I wanna see you"

"You'll see me tomorrow, honey"

"I really forgot about it, Jess. I went out with Clayton, we went for a walk and he invited me over"

Jessica cut her short, "Susan, it's fine, honestly"

"You wanna come over here?"

"Oh, no, I'm just gonna finish my drink and go home"

"Why don't you stay for the night"

"I could... I don't know, maybe I'll stay, if that's fine with you"

"God, I feel terrible, I'm coming home"

"Susan, no"

"You're mad, aren't you?"

Jessica chuckled, "I'm not mad but I will be if you leave your friend, now, come on, we'll talk later"

"Alright, if you decide to stay, please keep an eye on the cats"

"Of course, bye now"

"I love you"

"I love you too. Bye" Jessica replied and hanged up, she slowly stood up from the couch and walked towards the record player, she chose one of Susan's vinyl and put it on.


"Sam! Food's ready" Jessica shouted. Her voice filled the entire cabin as she walked out of the kitchen holding a few plates, "He's coming," Walker said, running down the stairs, "You need any help?" Hannah asked as she took a seat at the table waiting for everyone to join her.

"Nuh, everything's under control" she replied, smiling as she placed a plate in front of her daughter

"What are we having?" Walker asked and sat next to his sister, taking hold of the fork, "Chicken..." he whispered taking a look at it in the middle of the table, "Exactly" she said and sat across him, "Where's your father?"

"He's coming"

"What is he doing?" she asked, pouring some wine into her glass

"I don't know, he was on the phone"

"I'm here," Sam shouted and finally appeared in front of them, he took a seat next to his woman and stroke her shoulder softly making her smile, "What were you doing?"

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