Finding Tanjiro

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"Do you think we will run into any pretty ladies Akaza? I must say, I am getting quite hungry."  Upper moon 2 said to the pink haired male. The two were currently walking around a mountain with orders from Muzan to locate the house of the sun breathers, and report back to him with information.  So far all the two demons managed to come across was an endless amount of trees and snow, with so much snow falling from the sky that their footprints were covered within minuets. 

" Is that all you think about? Honestly, can we just focus on our mission, and then feeding?" Akaza grumbled, still feeling quite sour about being paired with the rainbowed eyed Moron besides him. 

"Aww cheer up Akaza! Aren't you happy to be paired with me? Your best friend? You know you love me" Douma exclaims dramatically, practically falling onto the other demon with a big smile spread across his face. He knew what he was doing.     

" GET OFF ME!" Akaza yells, while pushing Douma off him. As the two demons kept fighting back and fourth, they failed to notice a pair of small magenta eyes watching the two with curiosity and amusement. That is, until they heard a quiet laugh come from behind some bushes.

 "OH, it seems we have a guest Akaza!" Douma says, while inching closer to the bush. He was expecting some pathetic slayer or random human, not some human child that barely stood above his knees staring up at him with big eyes.  To say he was shocked was an understatement. It took a lot to render the demon speechless, but here he was, not being able to form words. Like they all just died in his throat. His mind was running a mile per minute. What is a child doing out here all alone? All he is wearing is a too big green checkered Haori to cover his small body, his little cheeks and nose are painted a bright red. A big bruise arond both of his small wrists, and a hand mark on his left cheek. There didn't seem to be anyone else around. Where are his parents, why isn't he crying like many other children would have? who is this child? 

"Oi, what are you staring at?" Akaza says, coming up to stand beside Douma. He too, is also shocked by what he sees. Many of the same questions roaming around in his head as he stares at the small child, who in turn starts to speak.

"PRETTY" the small child yells, while pointing at Douma. At seeing the confused faces of the two demons, the child starts to laugh while shouting 'pretty'. His smile was so bright it could rival the sun, so warm they could practically feel it.  Douma quickly snaps out of his confused state and picks up the child and spins him around.

" Why thank you! I am very pretty indeed" Douma says, still spinning around with the child. Akaza, still not knowing what to do, takes the child from Douma, and looks at him.

"What is your name?" he asks, interested to know more about the child. All the child does is stare at him, before reaching into his Haori, and pulling out a piece of paper, and giving it to him, as if he was taught to do this. This action alone, sets off many red flags in the demons mind. Giving the child back to Douma, he opens the letter and begins to read. 

" To whomever the concerns

        his name is Tanjiro, He is three years old his birthday is July 14th. do as you wish with him, it is of no matter to us. he was born a mistake. The mark on his forehead is the sign of the devil. we will not allow such creature to live under our roof. "

Both demons feel rage bubble up inside them, as after reading the letter, the small child, Tanjiro starts to cry.  Douma looks at Akaza while cradling Tanjiro close to him. 

"We are protecting this child no matter what" he says to Akaza, with every intend to kill those responsible for The small childs pain. This was the first thing the two demons ever saw eye to eye on. The only issue now, what will Master Muzan think?

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