"What do we do now?"

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Urokodaki pov

I didn't know what I expected when I opened the door. But it certainly wasn't this. Giyuu stood outside my door, along side the Insect pillar, and two other slayers.

"Giyuu! What are you doing here at this time? And who are these people? Get inside all of you!" I usher them inside and lead them to the table.

"My name is Shinobu. We apologize for visiting so unexpectedly Sir, But we have some very important news to tell you regarding Tanjiro Kamado." The girl says slowly.

"By the look on your faces I can tell this will not be pleasant news." I sigh, rubbing my forehead. "What has happened?" If possible the atmosphere got even more tense. None of them saying a word and simply look at each other before back to me.

" Tanjiro was taken by Upper moon 6 on our last mission" Giyuu says
"Tell me everything"
3rd Pov
After the explanation, and a fresh new batch of tears from Zenitsu, Urokodaki looked defeated. Tanjiro was like a son to him. So to find out that he had been kidnapped by demons, even if they know and like him, had him worried beyond belief. The fact that there was truly nothing he could do crushed him. He had everyone stay at the table while he went to go make some dinner and think what the next steps would be.
  Back in the dinning room, Giyuu had his head down in shame. He knew no one blamed him, but he blamed himself, and to him that's worse then anything. Shinbou also felt guilt. It was her job to kill Rui, and she failed, resulting in everything that happened. Inosuke, was...well inosuke, feelings were hard. He just had his fists clenched at his sides to keep himself from punching something or someone.
  "Guys, what do we now?" Zenitsu mutters. Knowing full well he wasn't going to get an answer.
  Urokodaki finally let some tears fall, for once in his life feeling totally useless.

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