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"I'M SORRY DADDY!" Tanjiro sobs. "I WANNA COME OUT NOW!! I PROMISE I'LL BE GOOD!" He bangs his little fists on the door.

2 hours earlier (pretend they live in a house)
Tanjiro was left alone in the house since the others had "work" to finish up. On this particular night a festival was going on. The little boy was in awe at the colorful lights shinning through the window and the music filling his ears.
'I really want to outside!' Tanjiro thought to himself, staring at the front door. 'But...daddy will be upset with me' he argued with himself. Tanjiro stares at the door for a few more minutes, silently debating with himself, before making up his mind. "It'll just be a few minutes" Tanjiro mutters to himself, slipping on his shoes and opening the door.

"Whoa" Tanjiros says, as he walks down the busy street, he can't believe his daddy won't let him outside. It's so fun! All sorts of people are out chatting and laughing all around him.
  "Well hey there young man!" A man greets with a kind smile on his elderly face. "Would you like some of my yakitori? I'm afraid I ordered to much, and you look hungry." The man says, offering him a skewer.
"Mmmm yes please!" Tanjiro says, grabbing the skewer and taking a bite, " it's so yummy! Thank you mister!"
" you are most welcome, now, I must be going. Stay safe little one." The man says, walking away. "Wait! What's your name mister?" Tanjiro asks. " call me Urokodaki" then the man is gone

Back at the house

Muzan teleports to the house, not wanting to leave Tanjiro alone for too long. Walking inside, he yells out "Tanjiro, I'm back!" Only to be greeted with silence.
'Odd' he thinks, walking towards the little boys room and peeking his head in, only to see an empty room. Quickly growing worried, he shouts again "Tanjiro! Come out now!" Again, no response.
Now panicking, he runs around the house, looking under beds, in closets, anywhere she could, he looked. Running back towards the entrance of the house, he notices a pair of small shoes missing, along with a jacket.
"Tanjiro" he growls, bolting out of the house.

Making his way through the crowed street, he finally spots a little body with maroon hair, walking just a bit a head of him. Rushing a head, he catches up with the boy, placing his hand in his shoulder and leaning down. "Just what do you think you are doing boy?" He whispers.
Not even giving Tanjiro a chance to speak, Muzan scoops him up, walking towards the nearest ally way and teleports them to the house.

" D-daddy! I" Tanjiro stutters as Muzan drags him towards the basement.
Opening the door, Muzan walks down the stairs, places Tanjiro down, and walks back up, closing the door, and locking it behind him.
"I am VERY disappointed with you Tanjiro! You will stay down there for the time being"Muzan says through door.
Quickly running up the stairs Tanjiro starts to cry. " I'M SORRY DADDY!" He sobs, "I WANNA COME OUT NOW! I'LL BE GOOD!" He bangs his little fists on the door.

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