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It's been a day and half and Tanjiro still won't come out of his room or let anyone in. He is taking this hard, and I can tell Muzan is too. We can often find him outside Tanjiros room with his hand hovering over the doorknob before shaking his head and walking away with his head down low. None of us have ever seen him like that.

How is it that a mere human child is able to evoke such emotions in us? We are demons, man eating monsters that parents warn their children about before they go out to play. Monsters that children fear are hiding underneath their beds or inside their closets waiting to attack at night. And they are not wrong. So why is it that this child is different?

Before I have time to think any further on that I see Douma, Rui and Kokushibo running past me towards Tanjiros room. Alarmed I follow as well. 

Ariving at his room we all see a crying Tanjiro being held by his throat, struggling and loosing consciousness while Daki is strangling him. "WHAT DO YOU THIINK YOU ARE DOING?" We all rush towards the two and rip Daki off of Tanjiro. Pinning her to the floor, screaming in her face. Tanjiro at this point as completely passed out. Rui rushes over to him, cradling into his arms and whispering words of comfort into his ears. Fully aware that he couldn't hear him. 

Douma, Kokushibo and I continue to Scream at Daki, Punching and kicking her as she cries and struggles to get away. "WHY DID YOU DO THAT?" Douma yells at her. "YOU COULD HAVE KILLED HIM!" Kokushibo spits, landing a harsh kick to the female demons side. 

"WHY DO YOU CARE ABOUT HIM SO MUCH?" she sobs out, curling into her self. " HE'S JUST A HUMAN BRAT! HE HAS NOTHING TO OFFER US!" 

"YOU DON'T GET TO DECIDE THAT BITCH!" Rui yells out from his spot holding tanjiro. He never raises his voice. He really is pissed. As we all are. 

"What is going on here?"

Guys I just want to thank you all so much for 1k Views! I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. And I'm sorry its a little short. 

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