"What did you do to me?"

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Tanjiro POV 

'This man is insane' I thought as I follow Muzan down the halls to where ever the room we are eating in. I can't believe I ever admired him, he has killed so many people! All of them have! And get here I am, not even attempting to get away. 'What would Giyuu think of this? And shinobu?' They will be so disappointed.  

"TANJIROOO!!" Arms wrap around my waist and lift me up, twirling me around in circles. A flash of blond hair meets my vision, and I connect the dots. It's douma. " I missed you so much! How did you sleep? Oh we have so much to catch u o- Ow!" Kokushibo gathers me in his arms taking to me to the table, while Douma is being scolded by Akaza and rubbing his sore head pouting. "Dumbass" Akaza grumbles, slapping him across the head again. 

"What do you want to eat?" Kokushibo asks me, staring at me with with his six eyes, it's actually quite disturbing watching them, none blinking. "I'm not hungry." I say, turning my head away and crossing my arms. All the noise in the room suddenly stops. Head snap to look in my direction. "You haven't eaten since yesterday, you have to eat something" Akaza tries to reason with me. "No" I respond stubbornly. "Buddy, please. That's not healthy" Douma pleas with me. "I already told you I. Am.Not.Hungry!" 

"You will eat something. End of discussion!" Muzan growls, slamming his hand down on the table in front of me. "NOW!" He shouts. Eyes blazing. "I'm sorry!" I squeak, bowing my head. "Can I just have some toast?" I say quietly, trying not to anger him further. 

A string of a biwa is heard, and a plate of toast and butter appears in front of me, with an apple on the side. "Thank you" I whisper, picking up the toast and taking a bite. It tastes kind of bitter, and the butter is a little runny.  It's making me feel a little sleepy. 

"I apologize Tanjiro. I should not have raised my voice like that. But you must understand that we all care about you, and skipping meals if not good for your health." Muzan says after a few minutes of silence. "It's fine" I say, forcing the words out of my mouth. ' why am I so tired? Did they put something in my food? This isn't good, I think I'm going to be sick.' I think to myself before I lean over the table to throw up. 

"What did you do to me?" I rasp, my throat burning. "Do not worry Son, just close your eyes, and once you wake, everything will be back to how it should be." My vision starts to blur, watching the figures crowd around me. 'I can't give in, I have to get away,' pushing myself to my feet, I try to run, only to have strong arms wrap around me and pulling me to their chest. 'Fight it Tanjiro! Fight it!' Whoever is holding me starts to rock my back and forth, humming a song and playing with my hair. 'Maybe taking a small nap won't be so bad' I tell myself, before passing out.

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