"Of Course I do"

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"Tanjiro!" Douma shouts, scooping the boy up into his arms. "Why would you scare me like that?" He pouted at the kid. 

"Because it was funny!" Tanjiro smiled. "I want Rui now Mr. Douma!" The child demands, stretching his chubby arms out and making grabby hand towards Rui. Don't get him wrong, Tanjiro loves Douma, but right now, he want his big brother. the shorter demon plucked the boy out of Doumas arms. Setting the boy on his shoulders, Rui starts off towards the meeting room, where the others are waiting.

"Where are we going?" Tanjiro asks, playing with Rui's hair, "We are going to see Akaza, Kokushibo and Muzan." Little hands stop playing with his face, and Tanjiro whimpers. 

"I-Is Muzan still mad at me? Will he be nice to me?" Tanjiro asks quietly. He misses Muzan, he doesn't want Muzan to be mad at him and go bye bye again. He needs to stay. 

"Don't worry little man! Muzan is super excited to see you! if fact. Rui, put tanjiro down, he i going to walk in a give Muzan a long overdue hug." Douma says. 

"if you say so" Rui agrees, prying Tanjiro from his shoulders, wincing, because the boy didn't want to let go of his hair. setting him on the ground and nudging him forward when he wouldn't walk. They are right outside the door, when Tanjiro freezes. with watery eyes, he takes one more pleading look at the two demons, silently begging to have them go inside with him. "Sorry, but we can't""

Sniffling, Tanjiro takes slow steps into the room, shrinking into himself as all the attention lands on him. Unaware that the two demons walked in a little ways behind him. 

"Hi Tanjiro, Did you sleep okay?" Akaza breaks the silence, trying to play it normal and ease the boys nerves. And it worked, A small smile found its way onto his face. 

"Mmhm. But when I woke up, I was scared, because I didn't see anyone, and it was really dark. I hid under the bed for a while because I heard fast running and angry yells. I thought it was the boogyman! But it was just Douma and Rui playing tag" Tanjiro innocently rambles about his morning, Unknowingly snitching on the two demons trying to sneak back out the door once they realized where his story was going. However once they see the icy glare being sent their way by Muzan, they both stop and start mentally planning their funerals. 

"And then they started to freak out when they got into the room, so I snuck up behind Douma and scared him! He screamed like a girl and fell on his butt" Tanjiro finishes giggling.

 "It sounds like you have had a very eventful morning, huh?" kokushibo says, kneeling down and ruffling the childs bed head. "You must be starving after that. We will go make you some breakfast okay, stay here"

"Do you want some waffles?" Akaza asks as he walks by. Tanjiro nods rapidly. "yes! waffles are the bestest in the whole wide world!" 

After they leave, The only ones left in the room, is Muzan and Tanjiro, both staring at each other in silence. 

Tanjiro takes a few hesitant step forward, shyly grabbing onto Muzans hand and tugging. "Do you still love me?" He asks quietly, looking up with big glossy eyes. The hope and pain is clear in his voice, and it makes Muzan physically take a step back, taking his hand away from Tanjiros. Tanjiro says nothing, but tilts his head down, letting tears fall out of his eyes. His small body shaking. 

"Of course I do" Muzan finally speaks, looking down at the child, Watching as his head snaps up to look at him. "My boy, That's such a silly thing to ask" Muzan chuckles, sitting down in front of Tanjiro. "Come here" He says, opening his arms just in time to catch Tanjiros small body. Holding him while Tanjiro cries into this shirt. All the while Four Upper Moon demons peek through the small gap in the door frame, spying on the father and son.

"Okay, Now we really have to go make those waffles."

I just realized while reading back, I made Douma to sound and act kind of like a mixture of Denki Kaminari and Present Mic from BNHA. What do you guys think?

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