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Just Imagine him without the muzzle. Credits go to the original owner.

   "Up, wake up Tanjiro, we have to go meet everyone" Mr. Akaza shakes me awake. I groan and pull the covers over my head. That was the best nights sleep I've ever had, and I'm not hungry.  The food was so yummy! I hear Mr. Akaza sigh as he pulls the covers off me and lifts me up. Reluctantly I let myself be carried further and further from the warmth and comfort of the bed. 

"Who are we going to see Mr. Akaza?" I ask while my face is still buried in his neck. "One, I told you to just call me Akaza, no need to Mr. And two, we are going to meet some.. 'friends' of mine." He says still walking to wherever we are going. 

" Okay Mr. Akaza." I say giggling.  I hear him sigh in defeat. I still wonder why they are being so nice to me. Maybe it's out of pity? I don't know, But I do want it to last. It's nice to have people care for you. But I'm scared that they will get bored of me and leave my like my mama and daddy did. I wonder if they still think about me, If they came back. But I don't think they did. They must of really not liked me.

I don't know what I did wrong. I cleaned for them. I helped whenever I could. I stayed out of their way. Maybe I didn't do a good enough job. While I'm here, I am going to do as much as I can to help out! Then they won't get bored of me right? 

My thoughts are cut short as we enter a room. I see Mr. douma and some other people kneeling down. One of them has 6 eyes! how is that possible? And Mr. Muzan is standing in front of them. They must really respect him. I really like Mr. Muzan, He told me stories last night to help me sleep.

"Mr. Muzan!" I yelled, running up to him and hugging his legs. The others there looked shocked for some reason. Even Mr. Akaza, and Mr. Douma. He picks me up and sets me on his hip. I giggle and wrap my arms around his neck. He is really tall! 

"Hello Tanjiro, how did you sleep?" He asked while looking at me. 

"I slept good!" I exclaim. I turn my head to look at the others in the room. Wiggling in Mr. Muzans arms to be put down, when he lets me go I run up to the others in the room.

"Hi, my name is Tanjiro!" I yell, excited to meet new people. Mr. Douma picks me up and spins me around while gushing about how cute I am. I squeal in delight. 

"Hello Tanjiro, my name is Kokushibo." The man with 6 eyes, says. He kind of looks like me, but with more eyes. I stare at him a little longer and say.

"you look like me!"

"Is that so?" he says. I nod

I look at the girl "Daki" she says. She doesn't seem to like me much, and I can see her glaring at me. " Gyutaro" The boy man next to her says. Did I do something wrong? The other two didn't say anything. I look at the last boy, 

" My name is Rui" he says. I already like him! He looks so cool. 

Note: I love Rui, so I'm going to have him in the story, He also will not die. I cried for like two hour after seeing his death scene. 

And lastly, Mr. Douma points to a woman with some kind of instrument. " That's Nakime, she doesn't really talk much" he says. I still wave to her. She waves back. I think I will have fun here.

"It's nice meet you all!" I yell, smiling wide.

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