reunion 2

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Tanjiro POV

The whole room turns silent upon our arriva. I can feel all their eyes burning into me as I keep my head down low. This is so uncomfortable! Suddenly a loud voice breaks the silence with a loud yell "Oooooh Rui, Why have you brought a Slayer here? Did you bring him for me? How sweet!" Footsteps start stomping over towards us.  "You cannot touch him Douma, nor will you want to" Rui responds.  "Whaaat, Why not? I'm bored" The other demon questions in a whiny voice.  Douma... He still sounds and acts the same. That same obnoxious voice, and giggling façade.  A small smile sneaks onto my face. He was one of my favorites after all. But That doesn't mean I want to be hear.  

"Shut up. Rui, what do you mean by we will not want to do him harm?" A low cold voice interrupts the two. Oh god, It's him! What is he going to do when he recognizes me? What are any of them going to do? Will they kill me for running away? Will they keep in a cage and one by one come down to torcher me? All these thoughts are making the situation ten times worse

"You all remember Tanjiro right?" Rui asks. "Of course we do! he was my little buddy!" Douma explaims sadly. He misses me? "What is the meaning of bringing him into this? He disappeared years ago. Get to the point." He sounds annoyed. "Of course Muzan" My head is lifted up gently by his strings. "Here he is."  I can only imagine how I look right now, I can feel the blood run down my face and into my eye.  My sweat turns cold as one by one I see the recognition flash across their faces. 

"Tanjiro?" Kokushibo asks, shocked. I nod, my eyes turn downcast to the floor. I feel rui's webs fall to the floor and strong arms wrap around my body and lifts me up off the floor. "Oi! Don't hog him!" Douma says, ripping me from his arms and into his, Nearly squeezing the life out of me during the process. Tapping his back rapidly, trying to get the message across that I couldn't breath, However as my face starting purple, I couldn't say much.  I am once again stolen and brought into someone else arms. "Idiot! You were suffocating him!" This time it's akaza speaking, and slapping Douma on the head. "Owwwwwww!" Douma whines. "I was just hugging him." He mutters.  

This is getting to be way too much. It's all so sudden! Their demons! I'm supposed to kill them! Why am I holding back? Why can't I feel the need to lift my blade? This should be I want to do. Right? Fuck it, I don't want to kill them, Not that I could anyways, they are much to strong. 

Tears fill  my eyes and I wrap my arms around Akaza, Remembering how he was the most comforting to be around when I was sad before.  "You have grown up so much Tanjiro, You know we have all missed you right?" Akaza's chest rumbles as he speaks. I can't even form a reponse. He is really warm. I feel my eyes start to slip, I know I'm falling asleep. I'm so tired. All the fighting, the emotions, the memories, It's all starting to catch up to me. Hands start running through my hands, luring me closer and closer to sleep until I finally pass out. 


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