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Warning, mentions of Abuse and Sexual abuse. 

Akaza POV

"How long have you been out here Tanjiro?" I asked picking him up

"ummmm, a few hours? maybe, mama and daddy said they would be back in a few minuets, but they haven't come back yet! I thought they weren't mad at me anymore since they were taking me out..." his eyes started filling up with tears. Oh hell no, his parents aren't going to die in a normal way, I will make sure they stay alive as long as possible with "playing" with them. I'm sure Douma feels the same way, judging by the expression on his face. He isn't smiling, he's frowning, with a dark glint in his eyes. I've never seen him like that. I felt shivers rake my body, it was scary. 

"Do you know where you live? or your parents name? Your last name?"

"Kamado, my last name is Kamado" Tanjiro says, suddenly smiling brightly. 

I freeze as I hear the name, as does Douma. Kamado, as in the Sun breather family kamado. How will master Muzan react to this news. He won't be happy. Either way, ever the more reason to get them. How could anyone hurt this precious child? Suddenly Douma speaks up. 

"We need to take him to Muzan Akaza. He might be mad yes, but this could be a great advantage to us. We could train him, he could help us against the Demon Slayers." 

I know he's right, but I don't want Tanjiro to get hurt. I've only known him for a few minuets, but I care for him a lot. As much as a demon like myself can at least. 

" Yes, for once, I agree with you" I say as I face him. Tanjiro feel asleep on my chest. So it won't be a problem getting him there. 

Time skip to when they arrive at the fortress.  

Muzan POV

 I stare at the two Upper moons in front of me with annoyance. I sent them to find the Sun breathers, and they come back with a child! 

"Why do you have a child with you Akaza" I ask.  

"This child is the son of the fire breathers Master, apparently they left him alone in the middle of the forest for hours before we found him. He could be of great use to us if we train him correctly." Akaza answers back while bowing.  Thsi could be interesting, the child on that filthy sun breather. He even wears the hanafudo earings. But why would they just abandon him. I don't like not having the answers. 

"Wake him up. I want to talk to him" I tell him. Akaza softly shakes him awake, making sure to comfort him as he looks around in fear. It seems the child has managed to make Douma and him soft. Odd. The boys eyes finally lands on me, and he just stares. I stare right back, curious to know what how he would react. 

"PRETTY EYES" the child shouts. 

I'm taken aback. Not only by the shout, but by the complement. The first thing this child says to me is, Pretty eyes? I look at Douma and Akaza and tell them to leave. Before they do, they give the child a smile and tell me his name is Tanjiro. 

"Tanjiro, tell me about your life at home" I ask, wanting to know as much information as possible.  He seems to delfate , while think of it. His smile gone from his face, as if never there to begin with. 

note: nezuko will be older then him in this, Also, I'm sorry if you wanted her in this story. She will only be in a very little bit. 

"Mama and daddy don't like me, They hurt me a lot if I did something wrong. And sometimes, they would have their friends over to play with me. But I didn't like it when they did. It hurt, and they got mad if I cried. And they didn't let me have dinner with them. I ate snow though if I was thirsty. And sometimes if I could find berries I would eat them. But they made me sick. And Nezuko didn't like me either." Tanjiro said "I don't know why though! I tried to be good... B-but it just made them ever more mad!" He started yelling and crying at the end. 

I don't know what to do, how to I comfort a crying child? I pick him up and start to rock him like i saw some women do on the streets to calm their children. It seems to work as his sobs turned to into small sniffles. What is it about this child, why can he make me feel this way? Like I never want to see him cry again, It physically hurts. This child could be my downfall, but I'm not so sure I even care. 

NO, I can't think like this. I can't let others see this, I can't let them think I've become weak. For once, I don't know how to handle a situation. 

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