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"OH TANJIRO" I yell out, dramatically strutting into his room officially awaking him from his slumber. He sits up rubbing his eyes yawning. He gives me a tired smile

"Douma!" He yells quietly stretching his arms our in a carry me motion. I gladly skip over to him, snatch him up from the bed and settle him onto my shoulders, running out of his room to the dinning room so he can have his breakfast. 

Time skip to after breakfast

Tanjiro is content on coloring right now, I am just sitting watching as he will occasionally run up to me to show off his picture. Muzan suddenly storms in, he seems to be in a foul mood. Tanjiro did not seem to pick up on this as he runs up to him yelling and pulling on his pant leg.

"Muzan! Douma has been playing with me and he likes my pictures do you want to see? I made some for you too!" he continues to ramble away happily not noticing the glare Muzan is sending his way. That is until Muzan kicks him away.

"Will you SHUT UP YOU INSOLENT LITTLE BRAT!" He yells at Tanjiro, slapping his across the face....hard. All I can do is watch with wide eyes as Muzan stomps away from Tanjiro, who is just sitting there staring at his retreating form with tears running down his face, a look of shock, confusion, and hurt shown in his wide eyes. 

"Tanijiro.. Come here buddy." I tell him softly holding open my arms for him. He looks at me sadly, lower lip trembling. Then runs straight into my arms, trembling and crying. His little fists cleanching around my shirt as he bawls his eyes out. All I can do is rub his back and whisper calming words into his ear. 

What happened that Muzan would so something like that? Fucking piece of shit. I notice Akaza and Kokushibo watching from behind the corner. I wave them over. Akaza has a look of anger on his face, while kokushibo just looks shocked. They sit down besides me to help console Tanjiro. 

While he is letting us hold him, I can tell all he wants is Muzan, and that seems to hurt him even more. 

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