Aftermath of the kidnapping.

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Giyuu POV

'How could we just let them take him so easily? I just had in my arms before he was snatched away. I could have gotten him back!'   These thoughts swirl inside my head as we walk away from the forest. My successor, my best friend, my little brother. Tanjiro is everything to me, and now he is gone! The little boy I met so long ago, wandering helplessly through the snow seeking out shelter.


"Be careful Giyuu," Mr. Urokodaki says from behind me as I open the door. I nod my head at him and wave. Closing the door, I start walking further into the woods. Since it is so early in the morning, there was no problem with walking out in the open. I knew I would only be gone an hour or two, just like any other day. After a few minuets I see a family of bunnies up ahead. A smile makes its way onto my face as I slowly walk forward towards them. Reaching my hand out, I wait as one starts sniffing my hand before deciding that they can trust me, and allows me to pick them up. Grinning, I sit down onto the ground so the other bunnies and join. This is one of the only times I feel at peace. Loosing my track of time, I notice that the sky has gotten a bit darker, indicating that its the evening now. "I can't Believe I've been out here this long, He is going to kill me!" I stand up, startling the bunnies during the process. I start sprinting my way back to the house, only to bump into a small body, sending us both tumbling to the ground. "Are you okay Mr.?" A boys voice hiccups from besides me. "Yea, fine" I respond, standing up. "What are you doing here all alone?" I ask, It's dangerous for a small kid like him to be out alone at this time. "Actually, come on, it's getting dark, we can talk once we get back to my house." I scoop him up into my arms, frowning at how cold he feels, and start running again. "What's your name Mr.?" "Giyuu" I huff out, finally reaching the door. "Hi Giyuu, My name is Tanjiro!"

End of flash back.

The only other person that I truly trusted. The only person I let close to me when Sabito and Makomo died.


"Giyuu, I know this is hard for you, but you need to come out at some point." Urokodaki, says from outside my door. once again leaving a tray of food. "For the last time, Go Away!" I shout. My best friends just died! How am I supposed to go on as if everything is okay. I saw them die, and I couldn't do anything to save them!  I couldn't even avenge them by killing that demon. It's not fair! 

Another knock echo's though my room. "I told you to leave me alone!" Why can't he understand that I don't want to talk to him? "Giyuu, It's Tanjiro. You have been in there for almost a week, I'm really worried" Tanjiros soft voice speaks to me through the door. I can hear the scratchiness in his voice, indicating that he has been crying just as much as me. Standing up from my bed, I cross the floor and open my door. "Come in." 

Upon entering, he closed the door and stares at me for a minute, taking in my appearance. "It's not your fault, Giyuu." He tells me. More tears appear in my eyes and fall down my face. Tanjiro smiles sadly at me and opens his arms. That's all the invitation I need before I grab him and fall to the floor, letting his arms wrap around me as I sob.

flashback end

"Tomioka, where are we going. we have been walking for hours now." Shinobu says, placing her hand on my shoulder. I don't want her touching me. Her touch makes me sick, it feels disgusting. I roughly shake her hand off of me and turn to face her and the other two. observing all of them. 

The blond one, I believe his name is Zenitsu, has his head down, tears are still running down his face, I can hear small sniffles coming from him. The kid with the Boar head has his hands clenched, and is muttering profanities under his breath. These two are Tanjiro's best friends. The three of them fought side by side in the final selection together. Their friendship growing stronger and stronger as time went on. They are always together, even during missions. This must be crushing for them.  

Shinobu. She actually looks guilty and sad. I know she is thinking about her sister right now. I can tell that she's beating herself up during this. She wasn't able to save her sister back then, and she wasn't able to save Tanjiro now. I know that it's not her fault. But a part of me can't seem to forgive her. If she had stayed just made sure that demon was dead, this wouldn't be happening right now.  

"We are heading to a man named Urokodaki's house. He needs to know what happened." 

"But shouldn't we be going to inform the others?" She argues. "I agree with Miss Shinobu, Wouldn't it be best to inform the other Hashiras to make a plan on what to do next?" Zenitsu says, but quickly shrinks under my glare. 

"Urokodaki raised both Tanjiro and I. He has a right to know first, so he can help us figure something out." I growl at them. Why are they questioning me right now?

"Now shut up and keep following me."


Authors note: Now, I know that Giyuu was a bit harsh when Shinobu touched him. And I'll explain why. In this story, Giyuu has a really hard time trusting people. When he is upset, he does not like to be touched, any touch makes him feel sick, and therefore he doesn't accept comfort. However, their are very few people that he does trust, and that he will allow to comfort him. Giyuu loved Sabito like a brother, and Makomo as a sister, and even though he trusted Urokodaki, Giyuu felt as if he had failed him by not saving them. He had always trusted Tanjiro, and knew no matter what he did, his baby brother would never judge him, or turn his back on him. That is why Giyuu allowed Tanjiro to comfort him. As we all know, Shinobu is very sarcastic, and tends to make fun of Giyuu  a lot. Her words hurt Giyuu very much, even is he doesn't show it. So when she touched him, He had a very negative response. I actually know someone like this, He's only a child, but it is very sad when he is crying and pushes everyone away when they try to help him. I feel like this, so that is why I wrote him this way. I hope that makes sense. 

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