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'Me? A dad? Me? A blood thirsty demon who kills people with no mercy and eats them? Me who would torcher and mock a dying person rather then comfort them in their last moments alive? No, I can't possibly be a dad, even if it's not biological. Especially to a toddler of the family I was planning on killing, and already have. I need to think about this.' 

"Douma come here now" I speak to him telepathically, needing someone to take care of the boy while I'm gone. "yes Muzan" He replies, teleporting into the room. 

Standing up, I pry a confused Tanjiro from my chest, and place him in Doumas arms, practically running from the room not even sparing a glance at the small boys face. As I'm leaving I hear sobbing along with Tanjiro screaming for me to come back. But I ignore it and teleport away from the fortress. Leaving behind a distressed and heartbroken boy, again. 

No one

'Why is he leaving again? I don't want him to leave me!'  The small boy thought to himself 

"DADDY COME BACK, DON'T LEAVE ME AGAIN! COME BACK PWEASE COME BACK!" Tanjiro's heartbroken screams reached all the way around the fortress. Desperately trying to wiggle his way out of Doumas arms to run after his dad, all he manage to do his use up all his energy and pass out. 

No one knew that this would be the last time they'd see Tanjiro in years.

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