Years Later

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After about 2 minuets of thinking, tanjiro decided to runaway. sneaking out and running towards a mountain, where he is eventually found and adopted by Urokodaki, But out of fear that he too would leave, and the hope that dad Muzan would come back for him, He never called him dad. We will time skip to the time Where Tanjiro, Zenitsu and Inosuke are about to head into the forest with the spider demon family. Also, Tanjiro is Giyu's successor. 

"TANJIROOOOOOO, I DON'T WANT TO ENTER THE BIG SCARY FOREST!" a defining high pitched wail could be heard miles away from zenitsu as he watched his best friends Tanjiro and Inoskue disappear into the forest leaving him alone.  Deciding to toughen up, Zenitsu runs after them as fast as he can and eventually catching up to them. 

"I can't believe you two just left me there." He mumbles sadly. A hand falls onto his head, rubbing back and forth. looking up, He is faced with his best burgundy friends wide smile. With a chuckle, Tanjiro responds with "We knew you would come after us. That's why we walked slower than  usual to give you time to catch up." 

"Don't speak for me Monjiro! If Monitsu couldn't keep up we should have left him!" Inosuke shouted pointing a finger rapidly between them. "Lets just keep going guys, we are bound to run into some demons sooner o-" "WATCH OUT TANJIRO, BEHIND YOU!" Zenitsu yells, cutting off Tanjiro in the middle of his sentence. Spinning around, the group is met by other demon slayer coming towards them swinging their swords with the intent to kill. "Why are they trying to kill us? I thought we were on the same team!" Tanjiro shouts blocking an incoming swing with his own sword. "Who cares, Take them out anyway!" Inosuke shouts, already having sliced through three of them.

"But what if they are still alive?" Zenitsu asks, ducking underneath the arm of his attacker. "DO THEY LOOK ALIVE TO YOU?" Inosuke yells back. 'The truth was, they didn't. Their eyes held no life to them anymore, no sparkle, no shine. The wounds in their stomachs and chests were clear, and there is no way they could fight them in that condition. Inosuke was right. These slayers were no longer alive. Their bodies are being controlled by something. Being used as a puppet. But by who?' Tanjiro thought. 

After a few minuets of fighting the ex slayers. They had all been knocked down. "We need to find whoever is contolling them!"  Inosuke steps forward stabs his swords into the ground. "Beast breathing seventh form Spatial Awareness!" He mutters. kneeling on the ground and spreading his arms out. From that form he is able to track where that demons rests, and tells Tanjiro to follow his directions and slay them, while he and Zenitsu continue fighting anything that gets in the way. 

Would you guys be okay if I also made this into a giyutan story as well? I really love that ship.

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