no one

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Credits to the original creator of this image 

Its been about 2 weeks since Tanjiro has been with the demons







"Good enough" Kokushibo gave up, this kid couldn't say his name even if his life depended on it. I mean, what did he expect? Tanjiro is three, his speech is not going to be perfect.   Tanjiro laughs and runs off somewhere, leaving Kokushibo alone. Probably to go find Muzan. He seems to have taken a liking to him, and vise versa.  

 After running for a few minutes, Tanjiro bumps into a familiar silver haired female demon, He end up falling to the ground due to the impact and surprise.  When he looks up at her, he is met with a pair of harsh glaring eyes. 

"Watch were you're going brat" Daki spits out before storming away in disgust. The action makes the little boy a bit sad, as he remembers how is other family treated him, But brushes it off as he spots Nakime.

"KIKI" Tanjiro shouts out, running up to her and jumping into her lap. He really likes Nakime, she always plays him music if he can't sleep, or if he's upset. She also smells good, like mint.  She pats my head as her way of a greeting.

"Do you know where Da- I mean Muzan is?" He asks with a blush on his face when he slips up. He may or may not of thought of Muzan as a father. But he couldn't say that. He fears if he does it will make Muzan mad at him. She simply nods and strums a cord on her biwa. Suddenly I'm transported into Muzan's office, He is sitting at his desk looking at paperwork. He doesn't seem to notice my presence yet, so Tanjiro decide to sneak up on him.  crouching on the floor the toddler starts crawling towards his leg. 

"RAWWWWW"  Tanjiro yells, jumping onto Muzans leg. 

"Good afternoon Tanjiro, I trust you slept well?" Muzan says,  not even the slightest bit scared. Tanjiro pouts but answers anyways

"Yes, kiki played me music to help me sleep!"  Tanjiro says

"Good to hear. Now, why have you come here?" 

"Cuz I was board and wanted to see you..."  The  boy says shyly while avoiding eye contact. Muzan chuckles and sets Tanjiro on his lap with some paper and crayons. He made sure to get things for kids to do after Tanjiro arrived. It wasn't exactly a secret that Muzan had a Major soft spot for the little burgundy haired boy that showed up out of no where. He is just to cute! One look at those eyes and Muzan would kill anyone who looked at him wrong. Along with the other Demons, except Daki, she could care less what happened to her. She wouldn't dare say that out loud though. A few minuets later, Tanjiro tugs on Muzans sleeve, trying to get his attention. 

"Yes?" Muzan says, looking down at the kid. Tanjiro shows him a picture he drew of the blue spider lilly. It's not the best drawing, But diffidently not the worst. 

"It's lovely, May I ask why you decided to draw that?" 

"Because I overheard Akaza and Douma talking about how you are trying to find it. And I'm going to help!" Tanjiro responds proudly, puffing out his little chest and pumping his fist in the air.  

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