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Ignore the VS in the Picture. 

 now because I'm lazy, we will have another time skip to right before Tanjiro meets Rui

Tanjiro pov

This is it, one of the Twelve Kizuki is just a few steps away. He is.. Interesting looking, that's for sure. A pale face with three dots connecting on each line. inside his right left eye is the number 5 carved into him. His hair resembling spider legs framed around his face.  Despite all that, he seems almost familiar in a way. I can't let that thought linger while in battle. all of a sudden I see him slap what seems to be his older sister. He turns towards where I'm hiding and calls out to me,

"I know you are watching, come out" he tells me, with no emotion in his deep voice. Stepping out I see his eyes widen a little, but quickly return to normal. Is it possible he recognizes me as well? But from where? "aren't you two fighting on the same side?" I ask him slowly. "regardless of that this is between me and my sister. so stay out of it" The demon tells me while looking down at his sister in what seems to be disappointment. "Family is supposed to feel loving, Trusting, a sense of belonging. Not feeling as if you are walking on eggshells all the time. not being scared of messing up and getting hurt from doing so. What you claim to have as a family isn't right! All I am picking up from you two is the burning sin of terror and hatred!" I say. No longer worrying if he gets upset. This isn't right. That isn't family. No matter how much he wants it to be.   

"Why you little-" "MONJIRO" Inosuke yells, running up behind me, smoke coming out from under his mask. "Inosuke what are you doing here, Where is Zenitsu?" I ask him, shocked that he is here. Arms wrap around my waist, there he is.  "TANJIRO" Zenitsu cries out. "Can we focas on the bigger problem at hand guys!" I shout at them looking back at the demon. However, instead of the deadly glare he was giving me before, His eyes are soft, but full of confusion. 

"Tanjiro?" he whispers "Kamado Tanjiro? Is it really you?" Tears start welling up in his eyes as he stares at me. so I do know him from somewhere! "After all these years... We never knew where you went. no matter how much we searched." his voice breaks at the end as the tears start rolling down his cheeks. Inosuke and Zenitsu are frozen in place, probably wondering what the hell he is going on about. "How do you know me? Who are you?" I yell at him. What the hell is going on! This was supposed to be a mission to behead the demon, not some emotional reunion between someone I don't even remember. And a demon no less. 

"You really don't remember me? It's me! Rui! Your big brother..." He mutters sadly. "W-What?" Memories start flashing through my mind, and I don't like it. I start remembering myself as a child, being beaten and abandoned by my family. Being found by two demons and brought somewhere. I remember their names. Akaza and Douma. I remember being brought somewhere and getting introduced to Muzan, shibo, kiki. Along with all the great memories I had, I also remember the hurt Muzan subjected to me. Why I ran away. It's to much for me to handle. 

I don't realize I too am crying until I feel Inosuke shake me. Grabbing their hands I tug them along as I runaway from Rui. Needing to get as far away as possible. Giyuu should be here soon. I never look back, even as I hear the demon scream out my name, not as another Hashira begins to fight against him. I don't stop even when Inosuke and Zenitsu shout at me to explain to them what just happened. I don't stop running until I spot Giyuu up a head. I let go of my friends hands and run into Gyiuu's arms crying my eyes out. blubbering and no doubt getting snot all over his uniform. But at the moment all I can think about is wanting those memories gone. 

His arms wrap around me, pulling me closer to try and sooth my cries. My hands find a way to his haori, grabbing fistfuls of the mismatched material. Briefly, I can here Zenitsu try to explain what happened and why I am crying. After a few minuets I am able to calm down enough to tell him what happened. Memories and all. I expected him to be angry and think of me as a traitor for once being associated with the very beings we are trained to kill. But all he does is hug me tighter. "Part of a being in a family is unconditional love. No matter what happens, you are still family to me Tanjiro, you along with your friends. You cannot control what happened to you in the past." Giyuu tells me softly. Even if his voice hold no emotion, and his eyes still look as dull as ever, I can still tell he means every word. " What he says is true Tanjiro." A soft feminine speaks from behind me.

"Shinobu" I cry, and run into her arms too. "are you okay?" I ask, searching her for injuries. " I am just fine Tanjiro, I have beheaded the demon"

"Did you now?" shocked we all turn around to see him Walking on webs above us, glaring at us from above. "But how? I beheaded you!" Shinobu yells at him shocked he is still alive. "How I managed is not important." He sneers, using his webs, he wraps me up and pulls me towards him. "Let me go!" I shout at him, struggling to get out of his webs. "Now now Tanjiro. I will give you a choice. Either you come along with me, with no complaints or running. Or I can have the rest of my spider family dispose of your little friends here." Thats when I realize the rest of the demons surrounding them. Outnumbered, they won't stand a chance without at least one dying! No, I can't let that happen! Not to them. "Don't listen to him Monjiro! we can take them!" Inosuke screams. I give him a sad smile in return. "Even in a life or death situation, you still can't get my name right." I say with a small chuckle, trying to let them know I will be fine.  "Fine, just let my friends go, and I will go with you without a problem." I surrender. 

He smiles. and tells the other demons to back off. taking me into his arms. "Nakime, Teleport me into the fortress where the meeting is taking place. This is important." He says. And not even 5 seconds later I am in a room surrounded by the seven strongest Kizuki's and The demon king himself.  

Extra: Giyuu, shinobu, Insokue, and Zenitsu all return in tears to tell the other Hashiras what happened. 

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