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"what is going on here?"

I don't know what I expected when I walked into Tanjiros room, but it certainly wasn't this. Kokushibu, Douma, and Akaza pinning down and beating Daki, screaming at her while she sobs and tries to escape. Rui in the corner glaring hatefully at her while cradling an unconscious Tanjiro in his arms. Looking closely at Tanjiro, I see tear streaks on his chubby cheeks, bloody fingernails, and handmarks around his throat starting to bruise. Quickly snapping my eyes over to Daki on the floor, Along with the various injuries on her body now, on her face I see small puncture marks as if tiny fingernails were digging into her flesh desperately. Putting two and two together I now understand why everyone is so mad.  

Five heads quickly snap towards me, stopping what they are doing. Taking notice of the expression on my face, I notice Daki flinches back as she tries to make herself look smaller. (As she should.). I don't blame her, I must look pretty mad right now with the Veins popping out of my face. 

"Daki...." I start slowly and softly. "WHAT DID YOU DO?"   I scream at the top of my lungs.  All the demons cower back, not used to my yelling. 

After the explaining and everything.

I send them all away, having them leave Tanjiro on his bed. I tell the four male demons, that they can do whatever they want to Daki, and if they are going to kill her, make it as painful and slow as possible. 

Currently I am laying with Tanjiro, Just hugging him as he is still passed out. I truly regret what I did. The guilt has been eating me alive. I don't even remember what had me so mad in the first place. The Upper Moons didn't say anything, but I could feel the disapproving stares and glares shot at my back as I walk passes. I normally would have punished them, But this time I knew I deserved them. Every time I waited outside his room, wanting to knock and walk in, To just give him a hug and apologize. But I couldn't, I just backed up and left. I couldn't stand seeing his tear stained faced, the hurt in his eyes. It did something to me. It physically hurt. 

All the time I spent lost in my thoughts, I never noticed the shifting body of the toddler and the small whimpers of pain and confusion. Or the eyes peering up at me with hesitation and joy. I only snap out of it once A little finger pokes my cheek repentantly. I look down and see his wide eyes, his chubby cheeks, and his adorable nervous smile. Bringing my arms around him in a tight hug all I can do is apologize over and over again. Hoping he will forgive me. 

Little arms wrap around my neck and mumble something into my chest. All I could make out was Missed, Love, and, and dad? He see's me as  

Upper moons and baby TanjiroWhere stories live. Discover now