You can't go outside

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Not my picture.

"Daddy?" Tanjiro tugs on his sleeve, "Can we go to the festival tomorrow?" 

   Muzan sighs, setting down his pen. "What have we talked about Tanjiro? About going outside?" Tanjiro pouts. " I know, but it's so boring here, I wanna go outside!"  


Tanjiro stomps his foot, his face turning red "why? You guys get to leave all the time!" Sensing a tantrum, Muzan picks Tanjiro up and sets him on his lap. 

"People are very cruel Tanjiro, they love to pray on those who are weaker then them. They will take one look at you and hunt you down, trying to hurt you at any chance they get. Do you want to get hurt?" Tanjiro shakes his head, looking down. " I don't want you to get hurt either. That's why I'm saying no, for your protection. Not many people are as nice as we are. If Douma and Akaza didn't find you, you would be dead." Tears start to gather in the boys eyes " Are you saying that you didn't want them to find you?" 

"No!" The boy shouts, tears rolling down his face. The conversation was scaring him. 

"Good. You are very lucky that they found you first. Now you have a family who loves you very much. If you go outside, we could loose you. And then we would be very sad." Muzan finishes off with a hug. "Do you understand Tanjiro? Why you can't go outside?" 

Tanjiro nods, pushing his face into Muzans neck. "Yes daddy! I won't go outside! Don't want to get hurt, don't want to loose you" he cries. Muzan continues to cuddle the boy. Whispering words of comfort to calm him. After a few minutes the tears stop and Tanjiro pulls away sniffing.

Muzan smiles, and kisses his forehead. "Now, go and play, I still have more work that needs to be done." Tanjiro nods and smiles. "Okay, I love you daddy!" 

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