Muzan has mood swings.

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' ' This means someone is thinking

Stirring slightly in the bed, Tanjiro notices something off. It's to quiet, he doesn't hear Inosuke yelling at Zenitsu, and didn't feel Zenitsu jumping on his bed, cuddling into him for protection. magenta eyes open slowly, taking in his surroundings, from the crystal chandler hanging from the ceiling, the red painted walls and oak furniture decorating the room, to the lack of windows, and finally to the sleeping figure next to his bed. 

"What the hell!" Tanjiro shouts, scrabbling to get off the bed, only to fall of the edge on his butt. "oww" He whines, rubbing his sore bottom. 'Thats gonna bruise' He thinks. the bed was pretty high. 

"you're awake" The man says. Now that Tanjiro can see his face, he pales, standing in front of him is Muzan. 'Oh crap' "What do you want?" Tanjiro growls, Narrowing his eyes.  "Am I not allowed to greet my son"  Muzan smirks, and spreads his arms "Now, why don't you come give your father a hug" 

"You are not my father!" Tanjiro says. Muzans smirk only grew larger, looking down at the boy who is glaring so venomously up at him. "That's not what you said before." He says, finding the conversation amusing. "I was a kid! I've grown up since then!" Tanjiro shouts 'This isn't so bad, Maybe I can get him to leave, and I can plan my escape.'

"Yes, I can see that." Muzans smirk turned into a glare. 'this is the end of me, I'm a failure.  Goodbye world, I'm sorry Urokodaki, Sorry Giyuu.' 

Muzan starts walking towards Tanjiro, the air in the room turned cold, and his glare sent shivers down Tanjiro spine. He nearly pissed himself when the demon grips his chin, forcing Tanjiro to look into his eyes. "If you are so grown, then you will understand that I do not like disrespect, From anyone, Even you my boy. Do you understand?" 

Tanjiro nods. His eyes hold fear, while Muzans show glee. Tanjiro wants to go home, But in Muzans eyes, this is his home, and he won't be leaving anytime soon. Of course the man doesn't want to hurt Tanjiro, but he has to make sure Tanjiro knows he is with his family, and knows he can't escape again.  Muzan pats Tanjiros head as he stands. 

"Good. Now that that is all settled, lets go eat, I'm sure the others are already there."

'This mans mood swings are too much'

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