"I scared you Mr. Douma!"

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"Rui, bring him to his room and stay there until he wakes." Muzan orders. "Yes sir." Gathering Tanjiro into my arms, I carry him to his room. Passing by the hundreds of rooms that make up the fortress, I have plenty of time to think. It's been so long since I felt this happy. When he left, it felt as if the remainder of my soul had been sucked out of my body. From then on, I kept getting stronger and stronger. Proving my worth to Muzan, Until he eventually had me take the position of Upper Moon 6. I truly hope that what Muzan gave him fixes his attitude, and we can all act like a family again. Muzan as the Father, Kokushibo as the uncle, Douma and Akaza as the constantly bickering cousins, Me as the big brother, and Tanjiro as the pride and joy of our Family. 

Once I reach Tanjiro's room, I place him in his bed, and tuck him in. His breathing is heavy  with nasty coughs every few minuets, sweat has begun to soak his hair and though his clothing and blankets. His face is scrunched up in a twisted pain filled expression. Taking a rag, I dip it into cold water and place it on his forehead. I can't help but feel bad for him, seeing him in pain like this. But it will all be worth it in the end. Muzan Explained everything to us, What he put into Tanjiro's food and what the outcome will be. Once Tanjiro wakes, everything will be great. The effects of the laced food has already started to show. His body starts to shrink, His face gains back baby fat, and his muscles start to get smaller and smaller. "It's working!" I shout with Glee. 

"let me see!" Douma bursts through the door excitedly, Practically bouncing in place. Tanjiro is the only Person I know of who is able to make him feel any sort of emotion. So he cares a lot for the boy. He was crushed when Tanjiro disappeared. gone was his smile. He hid away in his temple, becoming more and more ruthless with his victims. It took him years to openly conversate with any of us. When he did, I could tell he was still hurting. it was painfully clear in his eyes.  

"Oh Rui! I can't wait! Its all going so smoothl!" He says rushing over towards the bed. Sometimes he acts more like a kid then Tanjiro did. After a few minutes of watching Tanjiro, and swiching out the rag with more cold water, Douma speaks up  "Hey Rui, can I ask for a favor?"  

"Sure" I respond. "Can I give you a hug?" He whispers. "Um," I wasn't able to finish my sentence of course, as said demon turns around and wraps his arms around me. "Thank you" He mummers into my hair. Holding me close (Not in a romantic way, there is no romance here. strictly on a family dynamic) "what are you thanking me for?" 

"You brought Tanjiro back to us. Thank you for finding him" He pulls back looking at me. "Of course I did, I am his older brother After all" I scoff. "Whatever kid" Douma says, ruffling my hair. 

"Hey! Don't do that! And I am not a kid!"  

"Mhmm, whatever you say"


"Damn you!" I yell, He cackles and starts to run out of the room, With me hot on his heels

I guess we lost track of time without realizing. Because all we see when we get back to Tanjiro's room is an empty bed. "What the hell!"  "Where did he go?" Both of us start freaking out, Looking everywhere in the room. "Muzan is going to kill us," I tell Douma. "I don't understand, Where could he have possibly gone?" Douma shouts, pulling at his hair. 

"Boo!"  a young voice yells from behind us. Douma lets out a yelp, Falling onto his butt. Whirling around I let out a sigh of relief, My body instantly relaxing. 

"I scared you Mr. Douma!"

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