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I refuse to leave my room unless Muzan comes. He's the only one I want to see. But he hurt me! he yelled at me! Like my other family did. I don't want it turn out like that again. I want to stay here playing with big brother Rui, and Uncle Shibo, Douma, And Akaza. I want Aunt Kiki to still play me music at night. I want Muzan to read me stories when I have nightmares! 

What did I do wrong this time? I just wanted to show him the pictures I drew. Douma said he would love them. He lied to me though, Muzan didn't like them, He hated them. I have to get better at drawing, maybe then he won't get mad. And maybe if I can cook him something to eat, something really yummy. Muzan couldn't still be mad at me then if he has a tummy full of food! 

But what if I mess up? What if I make a mess and don't clean it up in time? It's not fair it's not fair it's not fair! I just want him to come hug me now! Tears of frustration roll down my cheeks at a rapid pace as I grip my hair, pulling my knees to my chest and rocking back and forth.

I must have been crying really loud, because my door was kicked down my someone. I don't look up to see who it is, instead I shuffle backwards and put my arm over my face as a reflex. This doesn't stop whoever it is though, as they forcefully grab my neck and lift me up. Now that I can see their face, I realize that it is Daki. And she looks mad. She starts yelling at me while squeezing my throat harder and harder. I can't understand what she is saying, I'm using the rest of my energy to thrash around, trying to get her grip to loosen. But nothing is working! Black spots start to fill my Vison. Before I completely submit to the darkness however, I hear multiple Loud voices yelling, Loud bangs, and the grip around my neck is gone. But I didn't hear the one person I wanted to hear the most. My last thought before blacking out completely, was wondering why he isn't here to hug me.

Poor baby Tanjiro just wants a hug from his dad:( Uh, I mean Muzan 

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