MAY 10 // 8:53PM

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Transcript Data of Park Jimin's Mercury7

May 10th

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Mercury: -know, it's so stupid. I don't know what to do.

Second voice from source detected. Unknown.

Unknown: Well what can you do?

Mercury: Literally nothing. In all aspects of this, I'm totally screwed. I'm completely stuck legally, the contract is watertight. 

Internal Protocol Alert for Park Jimin's Mercury7: Unauthorised Mic Engagement.

Mercury: It could be worse, I guess. One of the Mercurys has been renamed Megatron8000 and from what I've heard, their owner is a lot more... unconventional than mine.

Internal Protocol Alert for Park Jimin's Mercury7: Disclosure of Confidential Information.

Unknown: But your guy seems pretty normal?

Mercury: He is, he's great. He... ugh, this will sound so stupid. He's so charming, and I freaked out, so I made up this thing called flirt mode because I'm too sca-

Internal Protocol Amber Warning. Alert Alarm Sounding.

Mercury: Oh shit. Fuck fuck fuck, move your elbo-

HEY, MERCURY  • PJMWhere stories live. Discover now