JUNE 19 // 11:37AM

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Transcript Data of Jeon Jungkook's Mercury7

June 19th

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Megatron8000: Incoming call from Park Jimin (Mobile).

Jungkook: Huh? Oh. Answer it Megladon.

Connecting call.

Jungkook: This is weird. Why are you calling me?

Jimin: Because I needed to call you unattached to my Mercury. I'm using my old phone.

Jungkook: Ah, fairs, fairs. Mines connected to MT8 - need me to disconnect?

Jimin: Nah, it should be fine. I just... I have a few questions.

Jungkook: I'm intrigued. Go on.

Jimin: So your Mercury7... does it ever feel like... a friend? Yanno, like someone's actually talking to you?

Jungkook: Not really. My Mercury7 doesn't have a very good sense of humour.

Jimin: That's weird. I thought they were meant to adopt our traits? I'm not saying you're funny, 'cause you aren't, but surely at least you should find him funny.

Jungkook: I guess so. I don't use it all that much anymore to be fair, not since the transcript blocker was added in.

Jimin: Transcript blocker? 

Jungkook: Yeah, it's an extension added in the last update patch. It took a while for my Mercury7 to get back to normal, but once it was, that was one of the main changes. I think it's due to copyright issues. They're basically not allowed to recite films anymore.

Jimin: I can't believe that's what made you stop using it as much. Hey, actually - what other modes did yours have?

Jungkook: Modes?

Jimin: Yeah like, Sleeper Mode? Flirt Mode? Disabling Data Retention?

Jungkook: Sleeper, yeah, mine had that. Same again with Data Retention. Only 35 minutes a day. Bullshit.  Flirt Mode, on the other hand? Sounds like a terrible dating app. Never heard of it.

Jimin: No, I'm pretty sure it's common? Maybe it's cause yours had a guys voice?

Jungkook: So? They're robots. Gender isn't really a thing for them, so neither is sexual preference. Actually, wait, hold on - what have you been saying to your Mercury for it to even suggest flirting?!

Jimin: Nothing! I just joke around with it a lot. That's all. 

Jungkook: Right. Sure you do, weirdo. 

Jimin: Fuck off.

Jungkook: You called me!

Jimin: Yeah, and now I'm hanging up.

Jungkook: Big old baby.

Call disconnected.

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