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Case No.:

Shin & Kim on behalf of The People

Bae, Kim & Lee LLC on behalf of Mercury INC

December 18th 2021

Closing Statement:
Park Jimin, Witness for the Prosecution
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It's the closest planet to the sun, yet also the smallest. 

Dwarfed by the bright rays of the sun that it orbits, it would be easy for it to go unnoticed, undetected.

Named after the Roman god of communication, it wasn't hard to see why Mercury INC chose it as their namesake.

But they failed to factor in that he was also the god of financial gain, trickery and thieves. He guided souls to the underworld. At his very core, Mercury was a bridge between two worlds- or in our case, a connection between humanity and technology.

Artificial Intelligence isn't perfect, by any means, but it serves a purpose. Mercury INC took everything sacred about A.I.'s and obliterated them.

Security? Privacy? Protection? All gone.

Within 24 hours of activation, my Mercury7 had access to everything; my home address, my home security system, logged bank details, emails, contacts - the list is endless.

Yet I still retained control over my data. I could wipe it. Right?

Tell me, Mercury INC, I'd be curious to know - how did you intend on wiping that data from Seung Mina?

If I decided that I no longer wanted a digital footprint, how did you intend on making sure that I hadn't left a physical one too?

You couldn't.

Of course, had I known the true nature of Mercury INC's software, I never would have upgraded. By not disclosing the truth to users, Mercury INC violated our autonomy and our right to make informed decisions. We were tricked, deceived, and in turn, our personal data was stolen. And for what? Financial gain? Mercury in name, Mercury in nature.

My home address was leaked to a stranger. My phone number, my contact list, my card details, my home security network - I could go on, but it's redundant. I was no longer safe in my own home, due to Mercury INC pulling wool over my eyes.

Perhaps I should have been more cautious, but it was a well-endorsed, reputable product. I dread to think of what could have happened had this been released to the general public.


The Goddess of truth. 

Not much is known about her. She's elusive, sometimes believed to have spent her days at the bottom of an enchanted well. It seems odd, I know, but it makes sense that the truth can be hard to find.

I spent so long calling Seung Mina 'Merc', when I should have been calling her Veritas instead.

I can see some raised brows amongst the jurors, and trust me, I understand. Why would I trust someone who spent months 'lying' to me?

Seung Mina's identity was concealed, hard to find. Yet she went above and beyond to make sure that my life was as straightforward as possible. She saved me from public embarrassment, helped me throughout my days and gave me a metaphorical shoulder to cry on when the times were tough.

She lost days of her life thanks to my hectic schedule. She spent nights awake until 5 in the morning when I was in Europe. She switched off the lights that I'd forgotten about after I'd fallen asleep, and she made sure to never let me miss anything important.

I never asked for a personal assistant, but I got one.

I never asked for a friend, but I got one.

I never asked for a companion.

I never asked for her.

And I'd like to make it perfectly clear that I'm furious with Mercury INC for providing me with her.

'Cause it's been six months and I still don't know how to live without her.

So as you're making your verdict, I want you to remember that good people got tangled up in this, and they'll never be free from it.

I know trainees living in fear of having personal data leaked. I know idols who worry about having to pay off their Mercury7's if they come to blackmail them. And I know people like me, who felt human for the first time in a long time thanks to a machine.

The mental gymnastics and turmoil that I went through trying to understand my feelings will probably see me in some form of grief counselling for the rest of my life.

No good came from this. Everyone lost. Some a lot, some a little. It's unanimous.

I'm well aware that people are questioning why I waivered my right to anonymity.

The answer is simple: I consider myself one of the lucky ones.

Seung Mina never would have leaked my data - but there are other Mercury's who might have done, to those who were far more vulnerable than I am. Holding Mercury INC accountable will hopefully be a step in the right direction to protect those who had their privacy breached and lives upturned.

I'd like to thank you for your time, Your Honour and our honourable Jurors.

And Mina?

I'll meet you there.

Thank you.

That is the case for the prosecution. 

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