JUNE 24 // 10:12PM

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Transcript Data of Park Jimin's Mercury7

June 24th

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Connection reinstated. 

Jimin: Hey, Merc?

Mercury: Hey you. I wasn't expecting to be on until morning. 

Jimin: Yeah, well. Shit happens.

Mercury: It does?

Jimin: Uh-huh... I called things off with Gi. For good this time.

Mercury: Oh. I'm sorry to hear that.

Jimin: No, you're not.

Mercury: No, I'm not.

Jimin: At least you're honest.

Mercury: You deserve honesty. 

Jimin: Thanks, Merc. Can we talk? For a bit? Alone? Nothing weird, I just... I just need a friend.

Mercury: Of course. Always.

Mercury7 Data Retention Disabled.

HEY, MERCURY  • PJMWhere stories live. Discover now