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Case No.:

Shin & Kim on behalf of The People

Bae, Kim & Lee LLC on behalf of Mercury INC

December 18th 2021

Seung Mina, Witness for the Prosecution
Attorney Shin, Prosecutor
Supreme Court Justice Kim, Judge

A. Shin: Would it be fair to say that you felt coerced into acting as a Mercury7?

S. Mina: Oh, completely. I really, honestly would never have done anything like this out of my own free will. I was stuck between a rock and a hard place.

A. Shin: From your conversations with other Mercury INC interns, was this the general consensus?

A. Lee: Objection. Leading the witness.

SCJ. Kim: Objection upheld. Please rephrase the question, Attorney Shin.

A. Shin: Apologies, Your Honour. Mina, did any of your co-workers express similar concerns?

S. Mina: Yeah, a few. It was hard to tell. We were all trying to keep our users anonymous. None of us wanted to share their data. We're good people who got caught up in a bad employment situation. That's all.

A. Shin: How has Mercury INC impacted your life?

S. Mina: How hasn't it? 

SCJ. Kim: Miss Seung. Definitive responses only, please.

S. Mina: Sorry, Your Honour. Mercury INC has ruined my life. No employer will touch me with a barge pole. Which is ironic, because if the last year shows anything, it's that I'm really good at employee loyalty. Social situations are even worse.

A. Shin: So to clarify, Mercury INC has negatively impacted your job prospects?

S. Mina: Dramatically. I worked so hard for them, and it was all for nothing... Well, not nothing. But for nothing tangible. Nothing I can hold. 

A. Shin: And can you expand on your comment about social situations?

S. Mina: People avoid the things they can't understand. The only people who seem to engage in active conversation these days are my family and people who want dirt on Jimin.

A. Shin: Have you ever provided 'dirt on Jimin' to those asking for it?

S. Mina: No. Never. And I'd like it on record that I never will. 

A. Shin: Thank you, Mina. That's all, Your Honour.

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