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Mobile Records from Park Jimin

December 17th

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3: 27PM

Jimin: You should see Mercury INC's lawyers, they're fucking horrible.

Jimin: Laying into her as if she's the one on trial. 

Jimin: I feel awful.

Jin: How is it going?

Jimin: I'm not sure. Honestly could go either way. 

Yoongi: And... the girl?

Jimin: Mina. 

Jungkook: Well I'll be damned. She has a name.

Jimin: She has a name. 

Jimin: And the prettiest hair.

Jimin: And her voice, oh God, her voice. It's exactly the same.

Joon: Are you okay?

Jimin: Yeah, I'm fine. More worried about her more than anything. She's still at uni, so she's got a lot on her plate.

Tae: Awwww, Jimin's all concerned. He's got a crush.

Jungkook: Still at uni? Younger? Oi, oi, Sugar Daddy Jimin alert.

Jimin: Leave it out, you fuckers. For all we know, Mercury INC will be harvesting our messages, too. They're being such assholes to her.

Hobi: Are you allowed to talk to her? Reassure her a little?

Jimin: Not until after the trial ends. I don't know if she wants me at her hearings or not. I can't tell if I'm making it any better or any worse.

Hobi: How many does she have left?

Jimin: Two. Both prosecution and defence want to hear from her again.

Hobi: I guess you might be a little intimidating in your designer suits and with those incredible charms of yours. Maybe go for a bit more of a casual look tomorrow?

Jimin: The prosecuting team said that it was best to look sharp at all times. If I look like I've got my shit together then they'll be more likely to take our case seriously. More chance of winning.

Yoongi: So? 

Yoongi: You don't care about winning. 

Yoongi: You care about her.

Yoongi: Don't do what other people want you to do. Do what she needs you to do.  

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