Elizabeth Olsen

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y/f/n = your friends name
y/n= your name

You walk into your house after a long day of work. All you want to do is go to sleep. You go to your bedroom and quickly change out of your work clothes. You practically jump into bed and doze off immediately. About 20 minutes later your phone begins to ring. It's y/f/n. "Ughh of course you call during my nap" you say answering the phone. "Oh shut up and come out with me tonight." He says chuckling slightly. "Nooooo I'm staying home I'm so tired" you say and yawn to make it even more believable. "come on pleaseee I know you want to maybe get lucky tonight" he says and you can feel his smirk through the phone. In all honesty he is right. It's been a very long time since you've had sex let alone a date. "Omg fine pick me up in 30 minutes" you say and get out of bed. You hang up and jump in the shower. You dry yourself off and put on the best dress in your wardrobe. You put on light makeup and heels and then lay back down to get some sleep before y/f/n arrives. Before you know it y/f/n is outside and honking uncontrollably. You walk out the door and flip him off for disturbing your neighbors. "Really y/f/n you know my neighbors are like 89 years old." " they'll live" he says smiling while giving you a big hug. "It's been way too long" he says and you simply hug him tighter. You break from the hug and y/f/n starts heading towards the bar. "Are you ready to have fun tonight?" Y/f/n screams and you scream a loud "yeah!" While singing along to the music in the car. You both enter the bar and find a table. You order 2 tequila shots each and down them like they are water. A boy catches y/f/n's eyes so he goes over to him. You cheer him on and then order a few more drinks. y/f/n decides to leave with the boy and you tell him you are okay to be by yourself. 5 shots later you are so drunk you wouldn't know if a celebrity walked up to you. You trip over a chair but before you can fall someone catches you. You look up to see the one and only Elizabeth Olsen. "Are you okay honey?" Elizabeth asks and you nod because you know if you open your mouth you will embarrass yourself. "You look very drunk how about I take you home?" Elizabeth asks and a smile grows onto your face. "Yes please" you say and she leads you out of the bar. " hey babe do you know remember your address?" She asks and your smile drops immediately. "No" you say innocently with tears filling your eyes. " oh please don't cry it's okay you can just come to my place" she says and helps you into her car. She gets into the car and says " um I never got your name". "Y/n" you say while staring deep into her eyes. " wow that's a beautiful name. I'm Elizabeth" she says never breaking eye contact. " oh baby I know your name I just wish I were screaming it" you say but you stop and look down because you know what you said was inappropriate. Elizabeth laughs loudly and then pushes your chin back up to meet her. "The night is still young" she whispers and then goes to turn the car on. You practically melt at her words but you put on a brave face to act like her words didn't phase you. You drive to her house in peaceful silence, both of you occasionally stealing a glance of the other. As you pull up to Elizabeth's house your stomach starts to feel uneasy. "Eli- I'm- throw up-" is all you can get out. Elizabeth takes the hint and runs to the passenger side to help you out. She unlocks the door quickly and you run until you find a bathroom. You close the door and then throw up everything you've eaten today. you feel disgusting. You think to yourself "I can't believe the first thing I do in ELIZABETH OLSEN'S house is throw up." You stand up and try your best to rinse out your mouth when you hear a knock on the door. "Hey y/n are you okay?" Elizabeth asks sounding concerned. " I'm feeling much better now thank you." You say while opening the door for her. " I brought you a spare toothbrush and water" she says while handing you the items. You can't help but blush at how much she cares about you. "Thank you so much you have no idea how much this means to me" you say and Elizabeth turns a bright shade of red. Elizabeth keeps you company while you brush your teeth and chug the bottle of water. After you are finished you both walk out of the bathroom and Elizabeth shows you to her room. " you can sleep next to me if you'd like" Elizabeth says and you nod in agreement. " I hate to ask but can I borrow something to wear to sleep?" You say quietly. "Of course don't be shy" Elizabeth says while walking to her closet and pulling out an oversized tshirt. You walk back to the bathroom to change and when you walk back in Elizabeth is under the covers reading a book. She has on glasses and the cutest concentration face. She then looks up at you, smiles, and pats the spot next to her while saying "come on lay down I don't bite". You walk over, get under the covers, and find a comfortable position. "Thank you so much Elizabeth, for everything" you say and then close your eyes. Elizabeth smiles and then decides to go to bed as well. This was possibly the best sleep you'd ever had until you feel a weight on your chest. You then begin to feel little kisses along your neck so you open your eyes. You look down to see Elizabeth on top of you and kissing you but her eyes are still closed. "Elizabeth wake up hun I don't think you want to be kissing me" you say while shaking her lightly. Her eyes shoot open and she analyzes the situation. "Oh my god y/n I'm so sorry I don't know what has gotten into m-" is all she can say before you cut her off with a kiss. You break the kiss to say" I'm not going to lie I enjoyed it". Elizabeth's eyes seem to change color as they fill with lust. "Well then I guess I better pick up where I left off" Elizabeth says and begins trailing kisses down your body.

Do you guys want a smut pt2 or should I just leave it at this? Lmk!

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