Jessica Capshaw

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*In this story she isn't married and doesn't have kids btw.*

You were a painter and you were pretty popular. You get about 400 orders a day and it was always very hard for you to keep up. Since you are only a local painter you deliver each painting to the persons house. It is nice to see the people who appreciate your work and you also get some time out of the studio. The next order is from a lady named Jessica and she wants you to surprise her with the picture. You are every excited because your improv paintings seem to be the best.

You begin throwing colors onto the canvas to give you some inspiration. Then it clicks. You draw a Seattle skyline with a beautiful sunset occurring in the back. You finish the painting and hang it on the drying rack. As you wait for the painting to dry you check the address of the house to see how far it'll be. " sweet only 15 minutes" you say and go to take a quick shower so that you'll look presentable for this buyer.

You put on light makeup and stare in the mirror for a few minutes. "Damn I look good" you think before taking the painting and walking out the door. You pull up to the address and your jaw drops. This house is huge. She must be rich or something because no "regular" person could afford this. You snap out your thoughts and walk up to the door. You knock three times and put on a smile. The door opens and you are shocked at what you see. "Hi! You must be Y/N, I'm a huge fan of your work!" . You hear her talk but you can't shake the fact that it wasn't just "Jessica" but it was Jessica Capshaw. You realize you haven't answered and you say " I could say the same! You are amazing in everything you do" reaching out to shake her hand. She smiles sweetly and shakes your hand and welcomes you in.

" I want your picture right here so I can see it every time I wake up" Jessica says with a smile and you can't help but blush. " well before I put it up I want to make sure you like it. Also if you don't, it's no problem I will make another for you as soon as possible." " I'm sure I will like it but okay!" She says practically running back to the table where you put the painting earlier. She removes the covering and gasps. "Oh y/n, it's beautiful and it reminds me of my greys anatomy family!" She says and gives you a gigantic hug. " thank you so much!!" You are shocked at first but you eventually hug her back and reply with " the pleasure is all mine".

You finish placing the piece on the wall and you begin walking towards the door. "It was so nice meeting you and I hope you enjoy your painting" you say with a smile. " oh please you don't have to leave right away, please stay for a cup of coffee at least!" Jessica pleads grabbing your hand and leading you to her kitchen. You accept her invitation and walk closely behind her.

She finishes making the coffee and places it in front of you " here you go" she says and you thank her while sitting down on a chair. She makes a cup of coffee for herself and then sits right next to you. You guys have the best conversations talking about everything. Time flies and next thing you know it's 7:00. "I hate to kill our conversation but it's getting late and I still have to deliver another painting tonight" you say getting up. " I understand I hope I didn't talk your ear off too much" she says with a smile while walking you to the door. "Definitely not I actually quite enjoyed it" you say smiling back. You both stand at the door staring into each other's eyes. You hope you aren't reading the signs wrong but at this point you really don't care. You back her into the wall and kiss her passionately. She kisses back immediately which causes you her to smile against the kiss. You break the kiss and you both smile. "I'll see you later Jess" you say with a wink, walking out the door. you walk back to your car  with the cheesiest smile on your face.

This is so bad HAGAHAGAH but I'll do a part 2 to make up for it. Also two posts in a day!?!😉

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