Mila Kunis

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y/n: your name
y/b/f: your bestfriend

"How do I look?" you ask y/b/f. " you look so good you might just get laid tonight," she says with a wicked smile. " I sure hope so, a girl has needs" you say checking yourself one last time in the mirror. " maybe you'll get with a woman tonight and finally have an orgasm," y/b/f says followed immediately by laughter. " oh my god shut up I have orgasms and I'm not gay!," you say shoving her shoulder lightly. " yeah okay, whatever helps you sleep at night y/n," she replies, walking out the room and down the stairs. To be honest, you don't know if you're  gay or not. I guess you could say you are questioning your sexuality. All of your friends say you are "sus" because of your obsession with middle aged actresses but you don't have to be gay to appreciate someone's attractiveness. You are shaken out of your thoughts when y/b/f yells " come on girl I'm in dire need of tequila!". You roll your eyes and catch up to her.
The car ride is filled with screaming song lyrics and laughing at dumb jokes you both make. Bright lights from the streets of LA blind your vision as continue on your way to one of the 'best clubs of the country.' Supposedly, all of the "hotshot celebrities" come to this club for drinks. You'd be lying if you said you did not want to see a famous person. "we are here" y/b/f says excitedly as we pull into the driveway. You smile at how happy she is and you quickly jump out the car. When you walk in, you sense the vibe in the room and you love it. The lights, the music and all the people dancing around feels like home.

y/b/f pulls you to the bar and you both order three shots of tequila. You both quickly down your shots and y/b/f quickly finds someone to dance with. You let her go and you stay sitting at the bar, just enjoying being out of the house. While sitting, you watch everyone and see many familiar faces which makes you smile. " I guess they weren't lying when they said all the celebrities come here," you think to yourself. While you were occupied observing the crowd, you miss someone come up and sit next to you. "Hi, can I just say you have to be the most beautiful woman in here tonight". you quickly turn around when you hear a voice to see the one and only Mila Kunis. She's even more beautiful in person and the fact that she's talking to you right now has your stomach doing flips.You try your best to calm down and not look like a complete fan girl in front of her.  "See, that's where you're wrong because I believe that you are the most beautiful woman in here," you say as the liquor has given you courage. Mila smiles at you and her hand reaches to meet yours. "What's your name sweetheart," she says while her thumb rubs your knuckles. "Y/N" you say softly, staring into her eyes. " A beautiful name for a beautiful girl,"she says with a wink and moves her hand from yours on the counter, to your thigh. You look at her hand on your thigh and back at her with a huge smile on your face. " Aren't you going to tell me your name or do you think you are too famous," you say with a wink and she laughs and replies with " Mila, Mila kunis." " I was teasing you, of course I know your name," you say putting your hand on top of the hers. You both continue chatting, laughing every now and then and you realize how natural this feels. " y/n, I know we just met but I feel such a connection with you," Mila says staring deeply into your eyes. " I agree it feels so natural, I love talking to you," you say back and she smiles seeing you feel the same way. She then suddenly leans in, giving you time to pull away but of course you don't. Your lips lock and and time seems to stop. Her lips are so soft and she tastes like coconut. You both continue kissing, moving your hands to caress her cheeks while hers make their way to your waist. You are cut off when your phone rings. You break the kiss and look at who's calling to see it's none other than y/b/f. "I'm so sorry I have to take this," you say and Mila nods patiently waiting.

Phone call:
You: hey girl what's up
y/b/f: Im seeing if you are good staying alone Because I met someone and I want to go with them
You: Yes I'm perfectly fine go ahead I'll see you tomorrow
y/b/f: Thank you you're the best I love you
you: I love you more bye hun

Middle aged actresses x fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now